National News

Will the real anti-Semite please stand up?

By Richard B. Muhammad -Editor- | Last updated: May 14, 2013 - 5:33:31 PM

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Exposing the synagogue of Satan and calling evil plotters to a showdown

( - It’s time for the modern synagogue of Satan to be exposed and for Black America and America’s leaders and people to decide whether to continue to follow the path of evil or turn to the path of God, said the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

In the 18th installment of his weekly lecture series, The Time and What Must Be Done, the Nation of Islam Minister said those Jews who use divine knowledge for evil must be exposed and called again for a public showdown over false charges of anti-Semitism lodged against him and the Nation of Islam.

“We must make known to the entire world the identity of Satan. Is Satan real? Is Satan just spirit or is Satan a man with a nature of evil and an energy of sprit that directs his hatred and malevolence, his mischief making, and lying to take the earth down with him as he knows now his time is very, very short?” asked the Minister.

Scripture says the great and dreadful Day of Judgment only comes after falling away and “the man of sin be revealed,” he noted. In the Holy Qur’an, the children of Israel were warned not to mix truth with falsehood nor hide the truth, Min. Farrakhan said. God favored the Jewish people by sending them more prophets and sages more than any other people in the last 6,000 years, he noted.

In Thessalonians, scripture says judgment day shall not come unless there be a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, the Minister said.

What are characteristics of the “man of sin,” not spirit of sin? he asked. The man of sin opposes God’s will and exalt himself to be worshipped as God, but the Great Mahdi, the divine Supreme Being, is in the world, said Min. Farrakhan. His word and spirit destroys Satan by exposing him and giving the people the opportunity to turn to God and salvation, as opposed to the destruction coming to Satan and his followers, said the Minister.

If Satan is to be “revealed” that means Satan is being covered up, added Min. Farrakhan.

The bible says Satan is so clever he can masquerade and come to the people as a angel of light, using good to trick and trap the righteous and then lead them into evil, he said.

The Bible says those who call themselves Jews but are not comprise the synagogue of Satan and violate the laws and commandments of God, but observant Jews are promised a reward from God for their faithfulness in the Holy Qur’an, the Muslim book of scripture, said Min. Farrakhan.

“I am not talking about good Jews who keep the Sabbath and who try to live the life the Torah taught,” he stressed. “I am talking to those rebellious ones that take the wisdom of God and use it for Satanic purposes, I am talking to the Foxmans of the world,” he said. “I am talking to those who use the knowledge and power that God has given you, with knowledge, to deceive the planet and create lying wonders.

“You are the one the covers must be pulled off of; you are the one that our people should fall away from quickly lest you take them down to hell with yourself.”

The Minister referred to Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League and has previously challenged Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Law Center and the heads of the 12 major Jewish organizations over their mischaracterizations and lies against the Nation, which include listing the movement as a hate group.

Minister Farrakhan again refuted the false charges of anti-Semitism, saying though he doesn’t like Satanic Jews, there was no hatred toward them. Knowing their origin, their teacher and their motivation precludes hatred, he said. Still, the Minister added, if these evil ones repent and turn to God, they have a chance to change.

A critical hour and the value of truth

“In an hour as dangerous as this, when darkness is overspreading and evil is spreading far and wide and Satan is practicing every art of deceit that the righteous may fall victim to his wiles, Paul in the scripture says the righteous have to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of Satan,” said Min. Farrakhan in a message airing May 11.

In the book of Job, the sons of God came to present them to God and Satan came also with them, the Minister said. Satan told God he had been walking up and down and to and from, which fits the sign of the cross, so is it possible that Christians have been deceived by Satan? he asked.

The Bible also says the serpent struck down a third of the stars of heaven, which the Hon. Elijah Muhammad teaches means the scholars of Islam would be deceived, the Minister explained.

Satan doesn’t want you to fall away from him, he wants to keep you with him so truth must be told that sets the people free, said Min. Farrakhan.

The truth allows for the people to reject Satan as part of one falling away, but a second falling away comes as those who believe in God are assaulted by Satan to make them reject faith and reject God, he said.

“Truth is the greatest life giving, life saving, life advancing essence, truth is the most important and greatest possession that any human being can have, For truth is the root of everything,” he said.

There cannot be liberty, justice and equity without truth, Min. Farrakhan explained.

“Every human being that knows the truth should stand up on that truth regardless of the consequences of standing on that truth. Live for the truth and die on behalf of the truth, living and dying for truth is the greatest act of service we can perform,” he said.

Jesus of 2,000 years ago was not Messiah but was 2,000 years too soon to establish the kingdom of God and end the civilization of the Jews, this is why members of the Jewish community hate Jesus and have written terrible things about him, Min. Farrakhan said.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, in teaching the history of Jesus, some of the things Jewish people said of Jesus could not be written, said Min. Farrakhan. In the Talmud, the Jewish scholars say Jesus is in hell boiling in excrement, the Minister said.

The evil Jews did not like the teachings of Jesus and conspired with the Roman authorities against him, Min. Farrakhan noted. Today, the Minister said, the Satanic Jews plot and prod the U.S. government to act against me and the Nation. But, God himself protects the Minister and the Nation despite enemies in every city, the Minister added.

“Right now they (Jewish enemies) are tired of my preaching and I am sure they have contacted the Roman authorities whom they control in the United States government and are saying to them, ‘you have to do something about Farrakhan. Is there a bounty on my head? He (God) sits in the heavens and laughs at you for what you plan for me and this tiny Nation of Islam, please be careful, for you are planning your own death, while you think you are planning mine,” warned the Minister.

Satan is called the son of perdition, or ruin, and the loss of soul, damnation, hell and utter destruction obsolescence and lost, the Minister explained. “Where are you America? Where are you Black man and woman of America? Are we experiencing loss, are we experiencing some form of ruination, have you lost your soul?” he asked.

The soul of the Black man has been “taken under 310 years of chattel slavery and 150 more years of injustice so that you are a White man in Black skin. You are doing the same evil deeds that he has done throughout the world. We are now practicing it on each other. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We commit murder. We put our women out to be raped and ravaged and we do it ourselves. We are little devils, but God is going to make Satan manifest before that great and dreadful day to give us a chance to fall away from Satan,” said the Minister.

He warned that biblical prophecies of calamities are true and will increase worldwide, but the worst is yet to come. “The world is heading into a war like this earth has never seen,” said Min. Farrakhan.

The Muslim leader urged listeners to read the Nation of Islam researched books, The Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews, Volume one and two, and said visit and for more information.

“Are you ready for the showdown? Are you ready to come out from where you hide? Are you ready to meet us and our scholars in the public so that the world may see who is a liar and who is telling the truth?” the Minister asked his Jewish attackers. “And if I am lying I am willing to pay with my life, are you willing to pay with yours?”

It is time for a showdown the world can see, with the media as witnesses, since my name has been poisoned and I have suffered mistreatment from your people in different parts of the world, said Min. Farrakhan.

The Satanic Jews won’t accept the challenge, the Minister said. He added, “You will continue to press my brother as president of the United States to do something about me like you are trying to press him to do something about Syria and Iran. President Obama don’t listen to these hyenas and jackals that are in high places. You would be wise to follow the dictates of your conscience, if it has not been taken by Satan.”