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Nation of Islam celebrates goal of reaching 1,000 plus Certified Hubbard Dianetics Auditors
ROSEMONT, Ill. (FinalCall.com) - The entire Nation of Islam celebrated February 24, when it was announced that the goal of 1,000 plus Certified Hubbard Dianetics Auditors had been reached.
With the Nation of Islam’s diligent and hard working National Student Auditing Coordinator A’ishah Muhammad present, Shane Woodruff, vice-president of the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre International announced they had reached the goal of obtaining the number of saviours and healers desired by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to create a force of those willing to take the lead in improving the planet’s conditions.
![]() Photo: Andrea Muhammad
Certified Hubbard Dianetics Auditors from across the country and abroad received their certificates, and as an added bonus, those auditors who have received their Gold Seals as permanent auditors received a Gold lapel pin identifying them with that special designation as their proud friends and families watched and cheered as their names were read.
Throughout the entire Saviours’ Day 2012 weekend, there were stories shared regarding the sacrifices and tremendous effort it took for many to reach their personal goal of becoming certified auditors, which contributed to the overall success of the group’s effort to reach the goal.
Rev. Alfreddie Johnson, of the World Literacy Crusade, and the Church of Scientology said he was honored to be in the presence of those forming “the real Salvation Army.”
“To be honest with you I’ve never felt more proud and honored in my life. I thank God for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his vision for the Nation of Islam and our people and for the leadership in the nation to get them trained. The creation and the manifestation of 1,000 plus auditors is perhaps one of the most monumental tasks that has ever been achieved by mankind—homo-sapiens if you will—on this planet for the last seventy-six trillion years,” Rev. Johnson told The Final Call.
According to Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, what holds people back from getting the most out of life and functioning at their highest levels is emotionally or physically painful experiences that remain stored in the reactive mind. These experiences are called engrams. They don’t go away on their own, causing individuals to worry about the future in such a way that it limits their effectiveness in the present.
Auditors assist individuals in confronting those painful past experiences by increasing their self-determination while learning more about their strengths and weaknesses. Since many of these incidents occur below the level of consciousness, many are unaware of their damaging effects.
An individual participating regularly in the auditing process can develop increased confidence, become happier, and will find themselves in a position to competently handle the problems of work, family, culture and environment. Auditing is one of the processes used in Scientology as an individual moves along the road to becoming a Clear.
According to Rev. Johnson, who has worked as the liaison between the Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology, over 4,000 members of the Nation of Islam are currently on course studying some aspect of Scientology including hundreds studying to become auditors. The 1,000 certified auditors is an important sign of the great things to come, he said.
“You literally have one thousand individuals who are empowered with the ability to give sight to the blind, make the lame walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the dead to rise. They literally are now armed with the tool that when somebody is in a traumatic experience they can give a pleasure moment or they can run an engram or they can run a situation and relieve the person of that re-stimulation, that mental fix that has caused them to be insane with aberrations and mental pain. That’s really what being and following God is all about and that’s really the power of the Christ,” he added.
Mr. Woodruff pointed out that now, members of the Nation of Islam are applying the technology of auditing and have learned the vital necessity of clearing, however they should be commended for they began the journey with nothing more than certainty in the leadership of Minister Farrakhan and faith in the guidance of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who said of the Minister “Everywhere you hear him, listen to him. Everywhere you see him, look at him. Everywhere he advises you to go, go. Everywhere he advises you to stay from, stay from.”
“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it like this: The duty of the civilized man is to teach and train the uncivilized,” said Mr. Woodruff. “To all of the auditor graduates, we commend you for your accomplishment. We only ask you to keep in mind that as we honor you tonight, what remains far more important is tomorrow and how you will honor your new found skill and knowledge to help the Minister in this mission of salvation,” he added.