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“Blessed is He Who sent down the Discrimination upon His servant that he might be a warner to the nations.” – Holy Qur’an 25:1
DETROIT—Donald J. Trump was elevated to the presidency by God’s permission to be used as a tool to dismantle the rule of White supremacy and to bring America and the western world to their knees, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warned Feb. 19 in his keynote address wrapping up the Saviours’ Day 2017 weekend here.
Russia did not put Trump there, the outspoken minister said, addressing allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. He also warned the president that the decisions he makes regarding Blacks in America can hasten the destruction of the country.
“You are living in the breakup of America and the breakup of the White man’s world,” Min. Farrakhan, 83, said to the cheers of thousands in the Joe Louis Arena. “America will never be great again. The God of justice has come and America now must pay for what she has done.
“I’m here to announce today the end of this world and the beginning of a brand-new reality where all human beings will enjoy peace, justice and equality under the rule of Allah (God),” he said, speaking as a divine warner from God.
![]() Saviours' Day gathering attracts diverse audience. Photos: Andrea Muhammad (Bottom) Young people in the audience listen closely to message. Photo: Hannibal Muhammad
With the theme “Have No Fear For the Future: The Future Is Ours,” Saviours’ Day 2017 marked the third of the last four years the Muslim organization has held its annual celebration in Detroit, the city where it was founded in 1930 by Master Fard Muhammad, teacher of Nation of Islam patriarch the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Saviours’ Day has also been known as the “crowning event” of the February Black History Month.
Joined on stage by city officials, scholars and activists from across the country, Min. Farrakhan pointed to the confusion in the U.S. Congress and the bewilderment of world leaders as a sign that they are losing control. He further warned the unseen powers that control the seat of the presidency to be careful how they treat Mr. Trump, a man who has deviated from norms and traditions of past presidents.
Mr. Trump says he’s not listening to his intelligence agencies, Min. Farrakhan said. Deceitful intelligence given to past presidents has taken the country to war, he said, noting that former Secretary of State Colin Powell required the heads of the CIA and the FBI sit with him as he testified false information at the United Nations given to him by those agencies. That information was used to help bring America into war with Iraq, he noted.
“Trump is justified of being suspicious of intelligence,” he said. “The war machine always wants America on the war footing.”
The powers that control the presidency, or “shadow government” as it is labeled, are measuring Mr. Trump because they can’t control him, the Minister said. If they can’t control someone they usually kill him and doing so would inflame White nationalists who back the president and engulf the country in civil unrest, he said.
“If anything happens to Mr. Trump these [White nationalists] are going to cut loose and who do you think they’re going to cut loose on?” the Minister asked.
Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is being serenaded by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and supporters of Israel. Following their advice would engulf America in war, the Minister said.
He challenged Jewish scholars to prove they are the chosen people of God who never received a divine warner as described in the scriptures. Jews and Arabs have had numerous prophets, but Blacks in America fit the prophetic description, he said.
The Minister laid the foundation for his three-hour message, advising the audience and the governments of the world that God is on the scene to pass judgement. He explained that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad gave him and his family alone the name Farrakhan but never told him the meaning of the name.
He (Elijah) told me he had many Alis’ and Sharrieffs’ but only one Farrakhan, the Minister said. Referencing the 25th chapter of the Holy Qur’an titled “Al Furqan” or “The Discrimination,” the Minister said the truths he speaks puts the listener in the valley of decision.
Referring to Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali and Imam Warith Deen Mohammad, the Minister said the students who left the Hon. Elijah Muhammad never attained the success they had with him. With Muhammad’s teachings, Min. Farrakhan said he has confounded scholars of the Muslim world. Becoming a follower of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad 62 years ago this month “was the best move of my life,” he said.
“When you become a follower of a man made by God, you come into a Master Class,” he said.
![]() Photos by: Andrea Muhammad, Hannibal Muhammad, Final X, Monica Morgan
![]() Min. Farrakhan's Saviours' Day 2017 message in Detroit attracted a wide variety of people from various backgrounds and ages who listened to the Muslim leaders direct, uncompromising message of warning to America.
Frightened Black leadership
The Minister expressed disappointment at Black leaders who criticized him for not backing Hillary Clinton for president. He questioned how they thought they would get anything more from her than they have gotten from their decades of allegiance to the Democratic Party.
“I have been your faithful servant for 60 years or more but you will be angry with me because that White woman lost? I feel I have given you the best of my life. I have never wavered on our cause no matter how strong the opposition came,” he said.
With President Trump, many Black leaders are frightened they will no longer receive “the crumbs” that fall from their former slave masters’ table; and he has been used as a litmus test in order for Black leaders to gain favor with Whites, the Minister said.
Holding a book titled, “Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity,” by N.O.I. member Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Min. Farrakhan advised the president to read it before he sends the military into Black communities in Chicago to address the violence as he has planned.
The book documents how the CIA and FBI used chemical experimentation that targeted Black males and how that sinister effort has turned Black men, particularly through the prisons, into “super predators,” as they have been described by Mrs. Clinton.
“I’m sending this book to the White House. Before you come (to Chicago), read it,” the Minister advised the president. “You got to learn how White people, your people, destroyed Black youth in a chemical experiment.
“If you slaughter my little young brothers (gangs), watch what God will do for you and for the country you said you want to make great again,” he warned.
Min. Farrakhan described a plan to destabilize seven Muslim countries shown to retired general Wesley Clark 10 years before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centers. Those attacks gave the government the American support it needed to attack Iraq and Afghanistan, he said.
The Muslim leader called off the names of the seven Islamic nations that are the targets of Mr. Trump’s controversial attempts to ban Muslims traveling to the United States.
“U.S. presidents created the conditions in the Middle East that led to the refugee problem in the Middle East. It didn’t start with some Arab terrorist. It started with White folks in the Pentagon,” the Minister said.
He warned Black America that God wants them to separate from Whites. That is the reason for the unusual weather and the heightening of White rage, he said.
Have you noticed how fast Whites will call you nigger? he asked.
“In this day and time God wants to manifest himself,” the Minister said. “God wants to separate you from them and give you a nation of your own, but you don’t want that.
“I warn Mr. Trump, this is not a forsaken people and the God we serve has promised us He would fight our battles,” he said.
Jesus saves
The program began with a welcome from Muhammad Mosque No. 1 Student Minister Troy Muhammad. He said he comes to the event with an increased understanding of what Saviours’ Day means.
Calling his mother to join him at the dais, Min. Troy Muhammad said this time last year his father passed. Min. Troy Muhammad told Min. Farrakhan he feared his mother, who has had drug abuse problems, would turn to drugs to ease her pain. The Minister told Bro. Troy to bring his mother to him.
Min. Troy Muhammad told the audience that after the meeting his mother said, “I felt like I met with Jesus.” I told her, “you did,” he said to loud applause.
“One year later I can say that my mom hasn’t picked up a drug since,” he said to a standing ovation.
A proclamation welcoming the Nation of Islam to the city was also read. Michigan state Senator Bert Johnson said God is looking for people who will speak truth to power. “After we receive instructions today, I pray that we do the work. No one is coming to save us but us,” he said.
Imam Ahmed Salih of the Imams Muslim Community Council described prior meetings with Min. Farrakhan as “mesmerizing and magical.” He called on society to be “Christ-like, savior-like”; we need a healing touch, he said.
“We have policy makers that are anti-Christ-like. War is a terrorism of the rich and powerful,” he said. “Today, Muslims, Hispanics, Native Americans … we can only be Christ-like if we touch the lives of others.”
Rev. Willie Wilson of the District of Columbia and a co-convener of the historic Million Man March said the day marked 40 years that he and Min. Farrakhan have walked together in the struggle for Black liberation.
“The question becomes how did a Muslim and Christian pastor stay and work together for 40 years?” he asked. He answered saying they didn’t allow narrow differences to keep them apart. They stand for truth and righteousness among all God’s people. There is only one God, he said.
Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones welcomed the Muslims home, adding when the Nation of Islam comes home, crime goes down … consciousness becomes the order of the day.
She announced that she introduced and passed an ordinance to name a street Mother Tynnetta Muhammad Street, in honor of the late wife of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that would be erected the following day.
Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad of Chicago introduced Min. Farrakhan saying America would receive much needed guidance in a time of great trouble.
The Minister “has been there for you when the enemy has spit you out,” he said to Black leaders. “How dare you speak an unkind word against a man who has laid down his life for you and me. Black people will never be liberated from our oppressed condition with scared to death leadership.
“[Farrakhan] is the last man standing,” he said.
Hip hop legend Doug. E Fresh listened intently to the message. “What I really got from the Minister more than anything, man, is that he’s really on top of this game to the fullest. He sees everything, he’s paying attention. The part about him wanting to continuously learn, his humility, I mean, they say he’s 83, but he moves like he’s 45 or something. I mean, you can still feel that young spirit in him. He’s a warner,” said the entertainer, who was proud that his father came to Saviours’ Day with him.
“Me and my father, we make it an annual trip to come see the Minister. My pops, he don’t really go see nobody, so it’s just one of those blessings where you know that he’s the man of God. You know that he’s here to deliver this message and you take heed to it. You take heed to the warning or suffer the consequences.”
Hammurabi Bey, the rapper’s father said, “I found that he was a man better than me. He is a better man than me. He’s done some things I have not done, I mean, I’m doing some things, but it’s not as big as what he’s done. We just need for everybody to push for that same avenue that he’s talking about. Every man and woman got to step up to change it.” He has been coming to Saviours’ Day for about 15 years. He teaches classes in Mt. Vernon, N.Y. on science and etymology.
Federica Bey, founder of the Newark-based organization, Women In Support Of The Million Man March, who introduced the Minister at the recent State of the Black World Conference, in Newark feels there isn’t anything else that the Minister needs to say.
She said his message concerning President Donald Trump really resonated. She said she was one of the ones that voted for Hillary Clinton. She said the Minister had warned that the choices were Satan and Lucifer. She said, President Obama “said we have a choice between chicken and fish and a lot of us were vegetarians.” She said, being under much pressure from family and friends, “I chose Satan.”
Detroit resident Elaine Steele is co-founder, along with civil rights icon Rosa Parks, of the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development. Black folks must see President Donald Trump in the context of what his presidency means for “our people,” she said.
The Detroit educator added, what really resonated “is what [Min. Farrakhan] said about educating ourselves and understanding clearly what this new administration is about, and what it means for us, as a people. What it’s going to do for us and we better be clear, as to what path we’re following.”
For Terra Defoe, faith-based director for Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan’s office, said they were on hand to welcome Saviours’ Day and to continue the relationship. Min. Farrakhan’s message about making sure people understand the history and their purpose and mission to move forward was key for her. His words also spoke to her personally, she said. “As a woman, making sure that we have men that treat us fairly as women, and that is the most important part for me,” said Ms. Defoe.
Like Rev. Wilson, Michael Roberts, Sr., chairman and CEO of Roberts Riverwalk Hotel, too has a great, long relationship with Min. Farrakhan and is good friends with the Nation of Islam.
The St. Louis native and “serial entrepreneur,” said he bought a hotel (now the Roberts Riverwalk Hotel) in December of 2010 after Min. Farrakhan encouraged investment in Detroit.
“I was delighted that the Minister covered so many subjects. He did cover the concept of financial independence, which is very important. He broached the political environment that we’re in now, and ostensibly, he’s saying what we all know, and that is both parties, if they’re going to help us, then good luck. Otherwise, we need to help ourselves,” Mr. Roberts said.
Several first time Saviours’ Day attendees from Detroit, MaKenzie, Porsha, and Kendall, shared how Min. Farrakhan’s message touched them as young women.
“It was very powerful and moving. I’ve been discussing certain things with my mother as far as like worrying and fearing about what’s happening and what’s next,” said Mackenzie. “No fear. There’s no reason to have any fear because we have God leading us. That’s been my whole thing, and when I walked in and he said that! It just further validated what I thought anyway,” she told The Final Call.
(Final Call staff contributed to this report.)