National News

Fending off plans for global depopulation through farming and land ownership

By Ashahed M. Muhammad -Asst. Editor- | Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 - 5:21:18 PM

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'Instead of looking down on a farmer, we should respect that profession that Allah (God) first gave to man. This is the root to self-independence.'
—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

CHICAGO ( - With just one month before the Holy Day of Atonement commemoration in Tuskegee, Alabama, and a major announcement regarding the Economic Blueprint of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan focused on the importance of land ownership for the future survival of the darker people of the world.

During the latest installment of “The Time and What Must Be Done” which aired September 14, Minister Farrakhan said those who produce and distribute food throughout the earth are using it as a weapon.

“The most wise way to use the money that we save is first to buy farmland and produce our own food,” said the Minister.

He said during his travels to Africa, and the Caribbean in areas where the land is so fertile and rich in minerals, they are buying and importing food from others. Additionally, while speaking to Black students at colleges across the south purportedly specializing in the agricultural sciences, very few students are majoring in that area.

“The youth are just not interested in studying farming and agriculture. They just don’t see the value of that.”

The Minister then cited statistics showing the average age of farmers throughout the world .

In Africa, the average age of a farmer is 60, in the United States, 58, in Japan, 66 and in the Caribbean, 62. Only 4 percent of Black farmers are under the age of 35.

“Ownership of land is the basis for independence,” said Minister Farrakhan. “Land ownership is the pathway to wealth,” he added.

In today’s technically oriented society, farming is not considered a glamorous profession and farmers, though vital, are not respected. Black farmers have been involved in decades of litigation to obtain settlement dollars, after it was finally officially determined the United States Department of Agriculture discriminated against them.

“Instead of looking down on a farmer, we should respect that profession that Allah (God) first gave to man. This is the root to self-independence. Owning land and cultivating it to produce from the earth everything we need to live and become a productive people, then sell the surplus through trade and commerce which produces an economy and generates wealth,” he said.

In his monumental book titled “Message to the Blackman” The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad addresses the issue of independence and land ownership writing:

“The acquisition of land has been the factor for more wars than any other cause. Economists agree that in order for any type of nation or system, capitalism or communism, democracy or totalitarian or what have you, to exist and have a degree of independence there must be ownership of land.” 

Through discrimination and institutional barriers, Black people have been prevented from owning land. In addition, those who may have had some interest in owing land were discouraged from working the land for the benefit of their own people.

In 1866 the Southern Homestead Act was passed delivering millions of acres of land considered to be in the public domain to White immigrants in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.

During slavery, many Blacks working in the fields were uneducated and illiterate so sharecropping was used as a predatory scheme by merchants and landowners to keep their workers in perpetual debt, which is in essence, perpetual slavery.

Additionally, cunning Jewish merchants and vicious White racists working in tandem, drove Blacks who were fortunate to own land, off their land in the South. In danger of being lynched, many Blacks fled to the North to work for the industrialists. As a result, the Black nation exists as a dependent people.

“We are completely dependent on another people to feed us,” he noted.

Henry Kissinger
All of this now has Black people in America and the darker people across the globe in danger as a result of depopulation plans of scientists of death at the highest levels of the government as detailed in Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200 titled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests” said the Minister.

Mr. Kissinger, a German-born American statesman, Nobel Peace Prize winner and high-level advisor to U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, is still highly influential and sought after for his opinion and counsel by world leaders.

The Minister noted that Mr. Kissinger’s “depopulation manifesto” was distributed to the Department of Defense, The Department of Agriculture, the United States Agency for International Development, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“This was taken like a theater of war and all factions of government were introduced to this to develop plans and activate plans internationally to cull between two to three billion people from the face of the earth,” said the Minister.

Genetically engineered and modified foods, the use of Depleted Uranium, harmful additives in foods, poisons in vaccinations, famine, AIDS, chemtrails and illegal wars are all used to achieve this goal of targeted global depopulation.

 “I’m sorry to tell you—they are planning death on a worldwide scale,” he warned.