
America should seek Farrakhan to solve gun problem

By Ilia Rashad Muhammad | Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 - 1:36:11 PM

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It shouldn’t have to take unfortunate incidents like the recent school shootings in Arizona, Oregon, and countless other incidents to prompt society to do something about the gun control issue.

While political and civic leaders discuss and debate this issue, few, if any, have consulted the man and methods that have proven success in restoring peace in gun-ridden communities without the use of carnal weapons.

Many are surprised to learn that despite being in a society filled with guns and destructive weapons, the Nation Of Islam (N.O.I.) has always maintained a policy of “no guns” for its adherents.

College shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. It has been alleged that the shooter, Chris Harper-Mercer, supported White supremacist causes. Photo: MGN Online
In fact, it is a violation for followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to carry as much as a penknife on their persons (unless one’s occupation requires such). This successful practice is rooted in how the N.O.I. teaches and trains its adherents to love their people more than they have been taught to hate themselves. This degree of love is replete throughout the history of the N.O.I. where the unarmed Muslims have faced several incidents and confrontations against outnumbered, out-armed attackers.

Profiteers of Violence & Poverty

In a society ridden by gun-related crimes and deaths, one would think that America would be overjoyed to welcome the successful methods and training offered by the N.O.I. To the contrary, some groups actually benefit from the circulation of guns and weapons in society, NOT Black people. Black Americans are “twice as likely to be killed by guns as White Americans” according to Medical News Today’s medical journal. Black communities suffer drastically from gun-related deaths and injuries, whether by Whites, law enforcement officers, or by other Blacks. Conversely, gun makers, big pharmaceutical companies, private prisons, and certain interest groups are some of the primary profiteers of the violent gun-related activities that ill-affect Black communities.

These industries exercise influential lobbying power over some of the same legislators who publicly appear concerned about gun control after horrible incidents like the recent school shootings. Can America’s politicians seek guidance from Minister Farrakhan when they are bought and paid for by the same industries that exacerbate the problem? 

It’s rather perplexing that Congress recently voted to preserve police militarization in urban communities during a time when Farrakhan is working to stop police from killing Blacks. Unsurprisingly the U.S. Government, with help from their Jewish friends, have always opposed these efforts to restore peace in Black communities.

They devise clever schemes against Your people; they conspire against Your treasured ones. (Psalm 83:3)

Influential Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Jewish Congress collude with government and support policies—through political, financial, and media influence—that allow guns and illicit drugs to flow in impoverished Black communities.

When members of the N.O.I. (dubbed the Dope Busters) garnered national attention for cleaning up violence and drug abuse in several housing projects throughout the country, Jewish groups took legal action to stop unarmed Muslims from cleaning up these Black communities.

These Jewish groups, represented by attorney Meyer Eisenberg, ADL national vice chair; Marc Stern, legal director of the American Jewish Congress, and Jules Polonetsky of the New York State Assembly, exhibited their political influence by calling for a U.S. Senate hearing to ensure that all major contracts between N.O.I. Security companies and the Department of Housing and Urban Development would be rescinded. With their political cronies Peter King and Spencer Bachus, the Jewish groups targeted N.O.I. Security and other Muslim-owned companies with charges of anti-Semitism and discrimination that didn’t exist. None of the charges came from local residents who praised the brothers work; instead, these charges stemmed solely from Jewish groups who did nothing to free those in the housing projects from drugs and gun violence.

Even though Jewish detractors like New York politician Jules Polonetsky admitted that the N.O.I. was “doing a good job” in reducing crime in Black communities unlike any other group (including the police), they still pulled political strings to thwart Farrakhan’s followers from saving their people.

It is blatant hypocrisy when American leaders express concern over gun violence, then work against the effective solutions the N.O.I. exemplifies.

Due to Jewish interference, the security contracts that N.O.I. Security and other companies acquired were rescinded, and others thwarted. As a result, violent crimes and drug abuse increased in these areas. How many died from gun-related violence once security provided by Muslims was forced out of these neighborhoods? How many returned to drugs and have been incarcerated as a result? Is a false charge of “anti-Semitism” worth the bloody carnage of Black lives? The opinion of a few White Jews was deemed more important than the lives of countless millions of at-risk Blacks. These misdeeds epitomize how White supremacy influences the relationship between Black progress and Jewish interests.

If Jews are supposed to be the friends of Blacks as they portray themselves to be, why have they worked to stop Muslims from uplifting Black communities from poverty and gun violence? In his autobiography, Malcolm X exposed how Jewish profiteers thrive off of low income Black communities in this example:

“ ‘Nothing Down’ advertisements drew poor Negroes into that store like flypaper. It was a shame, the way they paid three and four times what the furniture had cost, because they could get credit from those Jews.”

It becomes obvious why those who profit from the wretched, impoverished, violence-prone condition of the inner-cities don’t want Farrakhan cleaning it up.

America’s Gun Violence Rooted in White Supremacy

History shows that Caucasian world dominance is not based on wisdom and merit alone, but due to deceit and their proliferation of weaponry. Although globally outnumbered, Europeans have gained and maintained their world dominance based on their use of weapons against darker indigenous nations. This explains why White supremacy is the pervasive mindset behind most of America’s extreme terrorism.

The International Security report titled “Deadly Attacks Since 9/11” showed right wing killings by Whites nearly double that of Islamic jihadists. Although the American media depicts groups like ISIS as being the greatest threat to America, statistics show White supremacy is a much greater threat than (so-called) radical Muslims. Be mindful that these statistics don’t even classify killings executed by White law enforcement officers as “terrorist activities.” These studies show that the leading mindset behind America’s extremist killings are rooted in the notion that Whites are superior.

The poison of White supremacy is so pervasive that it affects the worldviews of all people. It influences Whites to believe they’re superior to the darker people and it induces a mentality of inferiority among darker nations. Hence it is no surprise that the biracial Oregon shooter, Chris Harper-Mercer, supported White-supremacist causes according to several news reports. The same disease of White supremacy is what causes Blacks to senselessly kill other Blacks because this disease devalues Black life as a whole.

Since statistics show the root cause of many gun-related fatalities is the idea of White supremacy, America should consult the Honorable Minister Farrakhan who has been addressing this disease at its core for decades. The program of the N.O.I. is acknowledged (even by its detractors) for reforming human life by teaching a proper knowledge of self that induces an enlightened love, dignity, and respect for one’s self and kind. The love generated from Farrakhan’s teaching (from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) is what has allowed the N.O.I. to be effective in challenging the core idea of White supremacy and fearlessly working to clean up the decadence in America’s crime-ridden ghettos (without arms).

As Minister Farrakhan organizes 10,000 fearless to restore, protect, and uplift Black communities, this again will interfere with the norms of White supremacy and all the bloodsuckers who profit from Black misfortune. “Black people, a carcass where all the vultures gather to suck the life out of us,” the Minister said. Those ‘vultures’ include pimps, drug dealers, crooked cops, and politicians, but ultimately they lead to that secretive group of masterminds at the top whom Jesus prophetically referred to as the Synagogue of Satan.

The normalcy of White supremacy disables American leaders’ sense of reason to even consider the viable solutions that Farrakhan offers.

White supremacy is what allows Congress to value false Jewish opinions above the lives of suffering Black people.

Hence 10,000 fearless men are absolutely necessary to restore America’s downtrodden communities into safe havens of progress. If America’s leaders are truly sincere about challenging the infestation of drugs and gun violence that permeates the inner-cities, they would do all they can to support the effective program of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the N.O.I.—the same group that has peacefully secured the largest most peaceful demonstrations of Black unity in the history of the world (without arms).

(Ilia Rashad Muhammad is a part of the N.O.I.’s Research Team and author of UFOs And The Nation Of Islam: The Source, Proof, and Reality of The Wheels.)