Business & Money

Ben Bernanke and The American Aristocracy

By Cedric Muhammad -Guest Columnist- | Last updated: May 11, 2011 - 3:53:40 PM

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The Federal Reserve Building
Ben Bernanke
( - For the past couple of weeks I have been studying both Bible and the Holy Qur'an while eyeing CNBC and The Weather Channel.

Why was the April 27, 2011 press conference of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke such big news?

Why has it taken 98 years for this institution to hold such a press conference?

How many Americans really understood what Ben Bernanke said?

Before watching the press conference I watched the first hour of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's Saviours' Day 2011 address. Of the many points that impressed me was the manner in which Minister Farrakhan identified the existence of an aristocracy in Europe and America. His presentation brought the book, Our Crowd to mind. In it Stephen Birmingham writes, “What is particularly significant about these German Jewish banking families? …These German Jewish families are more than a collective American success story. At the point in time when they were a cohesive, knit, and recognizably distinct part of New York society, they were also the closest thing to Aristocracy—Aristocracy in the best sense—that the city, and perhaps the country, has seen.”

On Easter Sunday, Brother Charles Muhammad and I discussed two things: verses pertaining to Jesus in the Holy Qur'an and a possible Gold and Silver Coin investment strategy timed around the upcoming Federal Reserve press conference. Our expectation for the latter was that gold and silver would be impacted by whatever Mr. Bernanke were to say. Our discussion on the former dealt with how Islamic scholars describe the conspiracy and death plot against the Messiah—by powerful forces—and whether, how, or when he escapes from it.

Most people think the subject of Jesus has no relationship to investment strategies. But if the numerous prophecies and predictions in the Bible and Qur'an (believed in by over two billion people to some degree) come from a Best-Knowing source, how could they be irrelevant to this vital area of life activity? Furthermore, history shows that the wealthiest Western families had their economic worldview shaped or guided by religious training.

Here is part of what Minister Farrakhan and Brother Jabril Muhammad discussed regarding a critical aspect of the relationship between ignorance and business. The fuller discussion is recorded in the book Closing the Gap:

Brother Jabril: Brother Minister, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that there were three scientific fields of knowledge that the slave master did not want the slave to ever learn. What are those areas of knowledge and what has that ignorance produced in us as a people? ...

Minister Farrakhan: The three sciences, as I recall, were: number 1) the science of business, 2) science of warfare, 3) the science of mating.

“In the word business is: b-u-s-i, and the i is interchangeable with y, ‘busy.'

“When a person is busy, they're active. So the science of business is the science of the life activity. The life activity, that is dictated by the nature in which we're created, is that we must utilize what God is giving to us; develop it through knowledge and use that with what God has already put here to become productive; to be producers.

“So the science of business is the knowledge of how to satisfy the natural needs of a human being in the manner that pleases God. Business, which takes, of course, into consideration the acquisition of wealth; the proper use of wealth or the creation of wealth; the making of a product; the sale and distribution of what one makes; the creation of a means of satisfying necessities—food, clothing, shelter, trade, and commerce—all of this is really a science.

“When one does not know it, then we are subjected to the one who does know it… ”


Many have deliberately misrepresented the premise, context, and motivation for the two-volume book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. The wisest of those with the worst spirit in this regard, have done so to conceal both the existence of an aristocracy in America and the fuller aspects of the identity of Jesus—and how both realities might finally be understood in relation to the trans-Atlantic slave trade (the greatest economic undertaking in the history of this world), the coming of the Messiah and the ‘fate' of Jesus described in scripture.

Volume 1 contains 334 pages and 1,275 footnotes. Volume 2 has 456 pages and 1,800 footnotes.

Why haven't the major preachers and scholars of religion openly challenged Minister Farrakhan regarding his argument that Blacks in America are the real Children of Israel? Why haven't any respected group of historians and economists challenged the Nation of Islam's Historical Research Department to publicly debate the scholarship in The Secret Relationship?

In February of 2006, I wrote an article entitled “How Ben Bernanke Could Lead America To Fulfill The Words of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad(

Please read it and these words from Mr. Bernanke spoken at his press conference, “I personally have always been a big believer in providing as much information as you can to help the public understand what you're doing, to help the markets understand what you're doing, and to be accountable to the public for what you're doing.”

If these words were sincere Mr. Bernanke would 1) publish the original stock certificate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and 2) agree that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York be covered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

(Cedric Muhammad is a monetary economist, political strategist and brand manager. He is the author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Secret' book series []. Cedric does not provide investment advice but has a referral relationship with SDL Numismatic Properties Inc. - a specialist in rare coin investments. To enjoy a discount, please visit: call 1-800-878-2646 and utilize code ‘cmcap.')