National News

LGBTQ opposition to Dr. Wesley Muhammad rises

By Ebony Safiyyah Muhammad -Contributing Writer- | Last updated: Dec 6, 2017 - 2:10:29 PM

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Dr. Wesley Muhammad
HOUSTON—Accompanied with his research and lectures, Dr. Wesley Muhammad released his thoroughly documented publication Understanding the Assault on The Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity, in which he points out the connection between the feminization of Black men through chemically altered marijuana and other methods as part of the U.S. government’s desire to control Black men and neutralize Black male aggression.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has sent the book to politicians, religious leaders and President Donald J. Trump.

Dr. Muhammad has also received threats and ugly comments as he has taught about the wicked plans of the government against Black people and as he has pointed out negative individual behavior that hurts Black people.

Last month, Tree Of Knowledge Entertainment, a Houston-based organization arranged for Dr. Muhammad to give a lecture and town hall meeting dealing with “Chemical Feminization & The Assault On Black Manhood.”

The event was to take place at the historic SHAPE community center in Third Ward Houston. During the week leading up to Dr. Muhammad’s visit, threats began to rain down aggressively from members of the LGBTQ community. The center eventually backed out of hosting the event.

Event co-organizer Robert Muhammad of Tree of Knowledge Entertainment said Deloyd Parker, co-founder of SHAPE community center was approached about having Dr. Wesley Muhammad there for a lecture and town hall meeting. Mr. Parker admitted that he didn’t know much about Dr. Wesley Muhammad, but agreed to the event, said Robert Muhammad.

Mr. Parker also began to do research and watching YouTube videos of Dr. Wesley Muhammad, said Robert Muhammad.

Then a flier began to circulate of the lecture and town hall meeting and outcry from the LGBTQ group began to flood the SHAPE community center Facebook page. “It [threats] was on social media. That’s where I first saw it,” shared Robert Muhammad. Michael Clark, who is co-founder of Tree Of Knowledge Entertainment, also saw the messages.

Robert Muhammad said he learned of a meeting between SHAPE community center staff members and the LGBTQ group. And he also said he reached out to someone opposed to the lecture and town hall.  “I reached out to him and invited him to have a seat at the table for intelligent discourse, because it’s going to be an open forum,” said Robert Muhammad said. The offer was declined, he said.

According to Robert Muhammad, during the meeting between SHAPE community center and the LGBTQ group, Mr. Parker offered critics a seat at the table and the ability to host their own event to share their beliefs. Both offers were turned down, he said.

Videos of individuals present for those meetings began circulating on social media along with threats of coming to the SHAPE community center to cut off power and block entrances, he said.

Subsequently, Robert Muhammad and Michael Clark met with Deloyd Parker who informed them of threats being made against him and SHAPE community center by the LGBTQ community.

Minister Abdul Haleem Muhammad, regional student minister for the Nation of Islam, learned of the threats as well as the vandalism and defacing of the SHAPE community center. He made sure Dr. Muhammad spoke at a Nation of Islam facility in Houston, so the venue changed but the event went forward.

The subject “Chemical Feminization & The Assault On Black Manhood” was chosen by the event organizers, said Min. Haleem Muhammad.

Min. Haleem Muhammad observed that the tensions were an opportunity for an enemy to step in. “We don’t know whether it was the LGBTQ community that vandalized the SHAPE. We don’t know if it was the LGBTQ that called in the threats,” he said. He also called for a meeting with the Black community and SHAPE so that the conflict could be sorted out. Mr. Parker has a 48-year track record of standing up for the community against police brutality, the U.S. government, standing up against the death penalty and other issues that directly affect the Black community. 

Min. Haleem Muhammad observed that during a Nov. 16 major press conference, Min. Farrakhan said, “Muslims, do you know that we are the only thing that stands in between their wicked plan of the de-masculinization of the Black man? The only thing that stands between that is the Nation of Islam.”

Dr. Wesley Muhammad told The Final Call that the problems in Houston mirror a cancellation in Philadelphia. The title for his keynote at a Philadelphia conference in October was “How To Make A Homosexual: The Scientific Assault On Black America,” which was scheduled for the Universal Audenried Charter High School at the 23rd Annual Locs Conference.  He had changed his subject from “The Assault On The Blackman.” “When I decided to deal specifically with the subject that I chose, ‘How To Make A Homosexual: Understanding The Chemical Assault On Black America,’ that’s really where all hell broke loose,” Dr. Wesley Muhammad said.  A flier was posted and Monica Roberts, who is based in Houston and is editor of TransGriot blog responded, he said.

He later found out a local state representative intervened and his presence was protested in local newspapers. “I read, I believe it was, the Philadelphia Tribune, one of those Philadelphia newspapers that quoted Mayor Jim Kenney as saying that I am a totally unacceptable speaker to come to Philly, because I have a message of pure hate,” said Dr.  Muhammad.

Dr. Wesley Muhammad reiterated that protests were based on the flier, because the lecture had not been given. A decision was made to disinvite him from the Locs Conference. “A trend was set, however, and an unfortunate precedent was set that was followed into Houston,” he said. Monica Roberts was a part of the LGBT community opposition, he added. “She is based in Houston, and when the flier for Houston went up Monica Roberts posted a blog saying, ‘You can change the title of the lecture, but it’s still the same,’ and declared to make sure that I never come into Houston,” he said. “You can bet all of my writings, there is not a single word of threat or harm to the Black LGBTQ.” His writings are about the different assaults on the Black community.

He pointed out the irony of the LGBTQ activists in Houston using the mantra “All Black Lives Matter” against him. “It was me who introduced that phraseology when the LGBTQ was trying to convince White people that Black Lives Matter when White racists were retorting to ‘All Lives Matter.’ I introduced this specifically in defense of the humanity of our Black LGBTQ family. Their life does matter to us,” he said.

Either they don’t know what I teach or “they’re fully aware and they are being deliberately deceptive regarding our message,” he said.

Dr. Wesley Muhammad expressed disappointment regarding censorship and refusal to have a public discussion. “Once we allow people to frighten us out of certain public discourse, then we have  come to a very, very sad place,” he said. Still, he remains a popular, rising, sought-after speaker.

Min.  Farrakhan defended Dr. Muhammad in his October Holy Day of Atonement keynote address, noting Dr. Muhammad’s research into how the government had weaponized marijuana and its impact angered some people. “My brother has made so many people angry with him, but I want you to know something, he has to teach what God has shown him to warn you of the consequences of your actions,” said the Minister. “If I were you, I’d let him preach … because we will hurt you if you try and hurt a brother that’s trying to help you save your life.”