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![]() Protesters of all ages ask the CDC to come clean about vaccines. | Members from the Vaccine Liberation Army were represented. Photos: Andrea Muhammad
Organizers of the demonstration themed, “Revolution for Truth,” are uniting under the hashtag #Revolution4Truth (www.revolutionfortruth.org).
Organizers and supporters of the protest say corporate-controlled mainstream media distorts the truth about these threats, betraying the American people’s right to know and freedom to choose what’s best for their health.
The media is not reporting about vaccine injury claims, billions of dollars in payouts or conflicts of interest, said Michelle Ford, founder of the Vaccine Injury Awareness League and a lead organizer for the upcoming protest.
The protest will begin at Lafayette Park and end on the U.S. Capitol steps.
Speakers include safe vaccine proponent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of slain U.S. Attorney General Robert “Bobby” Kennedy and nephew of assassinated U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center; Del Bigtree, co-producer of the “Vaxxed” documentary; Nation of Islam Student Minister Tony Muhammad; Marcella Piper-Terry, founder of VaxTruth and Sheila Lewis Ealey, who says her son was injured by unsafe vaccines, and others.
The protest follows a major National Press Club event by advocates who say contaminated vaccines are linked to a rise in autism in America. The event received scant news coverage.
According to Ms. Ford, reporters are either complicit in perpetuating lies about vaccines and vaccine safety, or are willfully ignorant. “Whether it’s willful or unintentional, we absolutely declare that we will not stand for media that does not tell the truth,” Ms. Ford told The Final Call.
A Feb. 15 press conference at the National Press Club was spearheaded by Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the World Mercury Project. He and Academy Award-winning actor Robert DeNiro; Nicolas “Nico” LaHood, district attorney of Bexar County, Texas; Del Bigtree, TV producer and co-producer of “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe,” and Min. Muhammad presented data and personal testimonies about the dangers of vaccines at the National Press Club in D.C.
“These studies show that mercury is linked to the cascade of pediatric neurological, neurodevelopmental disorders that began hitting Americans in 1989,” Mr. Kennedy said. He said children born that year are the sickest generation in the country’s history.
“CDC says one out of every six of those children has some kind of neurodevelopmental disorder. Forty-three percent of them have a chronic disease,” he said. That means either a food allergy, asthma, eczema, juvenile diabetes or an autoimmune disease.
“This is not normal. Forty-three percent of our children have a chronic disease,” Mr. Kennedy said.
Instead of parroting CDC denials that nothing is wrong, journalists should be asking what is the toxin that touched every American demographic in 1989 and affects boys disproportionately higher than girls? he added.
“The fingerprint for that is mercury,” Mr. Kennedy said.
Part of the proof he gave reporters was Centers for Disease Control senior researcher and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson’s research saying the CDC committed scientific fraud when it came to vaccines—backed up by 10,000 documents, including internal emails.
It appears to be that Blacks are much more susceptible to vaccine injury than other Americans, and it is clinics in poor neighborhoods that are getting thimerosal (mercury-containing) shots, Mr. Kennedy continued.
That racial disparity drew Tony Muhammad into the fray. Could the Tuskegee Experiment be happening again with the extremely high proportion of Black boys disproportionately affected by vaccines linked to autism? asked the Nation of Islam regional student minister who is based in Los Angeles.
In the Tuskegee Experiment, between 1932 and 1972, some 399 Black men were denied treatment for syphilis so the U.S. Public Health Service could research the progression of the disease.
Fresh off a national tour commissioned by Minister Louis Farrakhan, Min. Muhammad told reporters in the 30 urban cities he’s visited so far, the venues were filled with poor people.
During viewings of “Vaxxed,” the emotions of poor, Black mothers rang out, he said. In St. Louis, Missouri, one mother fainted after watching the film, he said. The film contends harmful vaccines are linked to autism in children.
According to Mr. Muhammad, the woman said she knew vaccines had injured her child, but doctors bullied her, and told her she genetically caused the problem. The woman wept as she revealed she had a hysterectomy afterward and refused to have more children, he added.
“Something is wrong,” Min. Muhammad told the press as he cited Bible scripture from Isaiah, Chapter 59. “Truth has fallen to the streets, and justice stands afar off, and equity cannot enter,” he said. “It’s impossible for us to judge, while truth is being hidden.”
He added, “The Black community is waking up in leaps and bounds, and as you the press now (are) under attack. Show us that we can trust you.” The CDC has admitted that in the 1960s polio vaccine had a cancer-causing agent, and Elijah Muhammad told Muslims not to take the vaccine, he said.
The polio vaccine contained SV40, which caused over 95 million Americans to contact cancer, said Min. Muhammad.
He concluded, if the vaccines are so safe, why did Congress pass a bill barring pharmaceutical companies from being sued, and why is the government using taxpayer money to cover up for a pharmaceutical industry that makes billions in profits?
Mr. Bigtree began his remarks by highlighting a court case against drug company Merck, which knew its product Vioxx was proven to cause heart attacks in over 50,000 people.
Merck covered it up from the FDA, the American people, and the world, he said. “And in an internal email, they sent out, doctors that questioned the safety of Vioxx, (the email said) we may have to seek them out and destroy them where they live,” Mr. Bigtree said.
Mr. DeNiro got involved due to concerns about censorship. He has a son who is autistic. He spoke briefly during a Q&A when asked by journalists from the Info Wars website if he could get behind a Vaccine Safety Commission created by President Donald Trump and headed by Mr. Kennedy.
“I’m only concerned about this. Trump, I don’t care about. If he does the right thing, he does the right thing. I don’t have to be connected with him. It’s about this. Period,” Mr. DeNiro said.
“Vaxxed” was scheduled for a showing at his famous Tribeca Film Festival, but ultimately he cancelled the viewing due to pressure against the film. Critics of Vaxxed say it distorts truth and could cause a drop in vaccine usage.
Atty. LaHood joined the panel to advocate for children, truth, and safety. His family became an unintended experiment, after his first two children were vaccine injured, he said. One of his children died, he said.
“Let’s shelve all of our agendas. Let’s ditch all of our opinions and our perceptions, and let’s put on a blindfold for our children, and let us passionately and unbiasedly pursue truth and hopefully, God-willing reach safety, because our children deserve it,” Atty. LaHood said.
The next day, the group was scheduled to meet with members of Congress and the Senate to lay out science and present facts.
Rep. Bobby Rush was the only Black Congressman who had the courage to meet with the advocates, and some of his staffers cried as they heard about what’s happening with Black boys as a result of unsafe vaccines, said Tony Muhammad.
Rep. Rush promised to go consult with Black Causus chair Cedric Richmond and to look into a possible pre-March 31 briefing a said a spokesperson.
The group also met with Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas), who is also a pediatrician, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), former House Speaker, and Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.). On July 29, 2015, Rep. Posey called for an investigation of the CDC’s Measles, Mumps, Rubella research, as well as Dr. Thompson’s letter regarding CDC fraud and corruption.
But after the House meetings, Senate members refused to meet, except for three Senate staffers, according to Min. Muhammad.
A week later, Rep. Burgess rallied some Democratic and Republican colleagues who signed a letter saying vaccines are safe, no matter what anyone says, Min. Muhammad said.
“The introduction of vaccines was a turning point in our country’s public health history. Vaccines led to the elimination of certain diseases, including polio and measles, from the United States,” the letter read. In addition to Rep. Burgess, the letter was signed by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Greg Walden (R-Ore.); House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-N.J.); House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health Chair Michael Burgess (R-Texas); House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health Ranking Member Gene Green (D-Texas); Senate Health, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chair Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-Wash.)