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CHICAGO—It may be the most difficult job a man has ever faced: helping the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad complete his difficult task of resurrecting the mentally and spiritually dead Black man and woman in North America. Minister Louis Farrakhan explained in detail—Saviours’ Day 2019, on Feb. 17—how he was prepared for that role, in his mother’s womb, even before his birth.
“A Saviour is Born for the Whole of Humanity: No One Need Perish,” was the theme, celebrated by tens of thousands of members and guests attending the three day celebration of the birth anniversary of Master W. Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam in the Wilderness of North America, and the teacher of Mr. Muhammad who carried the message and built the Nation for 41 years, leaving a Divine Reminder—the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan—to show the world the way to salvation.
The new nation is being built on the Word of Allah, God Almighty, right before our eyes. “I see what is happening in America! Black people are rising and White people are watching,” Minister Farrakhan said in a four-hour-long lecture at the United Center, home of Chicago’s professional basketball and hockey teams.
“There is nobody in America like Farrakhan,” the Muslim leader explained. “I want you to listen. White people haven’t done anything that they weren’t supposed to do. The Holy Qur’an says the new ruler would create mischief and cause the shedding of blood.”
A saviour was born into the Nation of Islam in 1955, when the 464-year term Black people had spent in the “furnace of affliction” in this country—310 years of chattel slavery, and the last 154 years of lynching, Jim Crow segregation, and racial discrimination. The year 1955 was when a young, wildly popular, Calypso-style musician named Louis Walcott wrote his “Saviour’s Letter” of acceptance, and joined on with all his heart and energy to help spread Mr. Muhammad’s message.
That letter, written by all incoming members of the Nation at that time, taught Minister Farrakhan three things, he said: Observation; concentration; and submission. The letter had to be written in blue or black ink, on plain, unlined paper, with every single “i” dotted and every single “t” crossed, with no erasures, or mistakes, before anyone was admitted into the ranks.
“I want to introduce you to Jesus. He came to save us from our sins. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad added to that Bible reference, ‘save you from the sins of White people.’ ” Indeed, the Muslim leader explained, “They made us into themselves.”
“I represent a universal Saviour to all the White people,” Minister Farrakhan explained. “I represent that Messiah. I am that Jesus. I have offered my life. Here I am!” But the miracle of the resurrection of the Black Nation in this country was not to come without major opposition. “Jews are obsessed with me,” Minister Farrakhan said. “I’ve been working 64 years on the ‘Black Problem.’ I never had any need to talk to White people,” and Whites, after their anti-Muslim campaigns of the 1960s and 1970s led to the increase in Mr. Muhammad’s fame and popularity, were mostly silent about the Nation of Islam until the 1984 presidential campaign of the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Minister Farrakhan has withstood the battering and countless condemnations of his good work. The enemy and Jewish groups and publications, in particular, have chosen in recent years to condemn and punish those outside the Nation who have associated with the Minister, demanding that they denounce him or distance themselves from him.
But contrary to corporate media interpretation, Minister Farrakhan explained that he is not a hater of any people because of the race, their religion, their gender, or even their sexual preference.
“The name ‘Jew’ is a divine name,” the Minister said, referring to the Bible’s book of Revelations. “Real Jews do good.” But others “are using the name ‘Jew’ to hide themselves. Some Jewish people think so much of themselves,” until they will not let anyone else use the term “holocaust” to describe their own suffering
“Why do you think that I call them out and they don’t show up?” Minister Farrakhan asked rhetorically, then explaining that their charges of “anti-Semitism” are wrong and unjust, because the Ashkenazi, Caucasians who call themselves Jews, are not truly Semitic people, as are the Arabs, Hebrews, and Arameans, who originated in the Holy Land, Palestine. “They are European White people.”
“These are not the true Jews! These are Ashkenazis who use the Talmud (which was written by rabbis), and not the Torah, the revealed Word of God.”
Even sharecropping “can be traced to the Talmud,” he said.
“Israel sees the Black man as a problem,” the Minister said, referring to statements by a high level Israeli figure who complained that Black youth, and young activists in movements like Black Lives Matter with sensitivity to suffering Palestinians, are a threat to Zionist interests. “Israel, you are making a very big mistake, and you are hastening your doom. You leave my Black brothers and sisters alone, because you fear what they are going to become, if they listen to Farrakhan.”
Despite a thunderous chorus of Jewish, and White conservative condemnation, there were several White and Black Christian Friends of Farrakhan who were present—such as Father Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Parish in Chicago, Chicago Pastors T.L. Barrett and the Rev. Al Sampson and the Rev. Willie Wilson from Washington, D.C.
“No other religion teaches anything like the rabbis of the Talmud teach so savagely and pornographically about the Messiah of Israel,” Michael A. Hoffman, who spoke during the program to the thousands assembled. “The best friend of the Jews, on this Earth, is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.”
“There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode, stressing Canaan’s fraternal connections with Cush … The Talmudic glosses of the episode added to the stigma of Blackness to the fate of enslavement that Noah predicted for Ham’s progeny…” His source was “The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black Jewish Relations Through 1900.”
Among the many honors and gifts given Min. Farrakhan because of his work by religious leaders around the world was an engraved platter from Rabbi Shlomo Mordecai Hager. He was the leader of one of the nation’s largest Hasidic (ultra-Orthodox) sects in New York State, until he passed in March 2018.
Rabbi Hager presented the Minister with a silver platter which reads: “To the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: You are the Messiah of the world and to every human who wants to be civilized. Your friend and admirer from Rabbi Shlomo Mordecai Hager.”
The Grand Mufti of Burkina Faso gave Minister Farrakhan his fez, which coincidentally fit the Minister’s head perfectly. The Sheikh of Sheikhs, sha jaar’ah, which means courage, gave the Muslim leader his cloak and his staff during an international tour. The highly respected Islamic scholar and leader Abunah Sheikh Muhammad Ahmed Al-Mahi met the Minister in the Middle East, saying he prays for the Minister 500 times a day.
In Nigeria, Minister Farrakhan was feted by the Emir of Kano, the leader of that country’s Muslim population, with an honorary “Durba,” a ceremony in which soldiers on horseback charge at full speed, spears raised as if to attack, toward the reviewing stand, stopping short, and bowing to the honored guest. Such a large ritual as the one for Minister Farrakhan has only been performed nine times in the last century, for the likes of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, and Winston Churchill, among them.
Minister Farrakhan left the audience with a joyous moment as Don Enoch Muhammad, a member of the Fruit of Islam and Omega Psi Phi fraternity, draped in a special fraternity “Founder’s Robe,” which he was given as a show of honor in 2017. Previously he was honored by the Chicago metro-area chapters of Omega Psi.
Min. Farrakhan was recently inducted into full membership in the fraternity, complete with a fraternity sweater and ring reserved for a national president, more than 60 years after he was unfairly “blackballed” from initiation at Winston-Salem State University. The induction into the fraternity was a special honor because it comes from Black people, he said. And, he added, Omega is the last letter of the alphabet and you can’t write a sentence with one letter. He called from Black fraternities and sororities to come together to tell the story of Black people.
Min. Farrakhan also reflected on the impact Malcolm X had on his development as a new, young Muslim in the Nation of Islam. The Minister explained how Malcolm took him under his wing and personally petitioned on his behalf to become a minister in the Nation, setting him on the path—unbeknownst to him—to becoming the man he is today: a deliverer of truth, a warner to the people, and ultimately, the door to salvation for those looking to fully submit their lives to the will of God. The Minister used his own personal experiences to illustrate how anyone, regardless of their background or where they are in their lives, they too can grow into a god. However, Min. Farrakhan, before getting into the meat of his lecture, told the audience, “If I touch you, it’s because God wanted me to.”
One of the main tools used by the oppressor to destroy Blacks has been indoctrination into their created religion of false Christianity. The worst deception ever committed by White people was robbing Black people of their cultural religious expression and replacing it with a version that made them docile, subservient and fearful of their oppressor, said the Minister.
Black people in America were victims of their own “faith” from being made to worship a White Jesus and by extension, White people, he explained.
“Satan made Jesus White and then falsified his teachings,” Min. Farrakhan said. “Twenty-five percent of the Bible is history, 75 percent is prophecy. The enemy took prophecy and made it history, and made history, prophecy.”
The Minister, in his address, also continued exposing Talmudic Jews, picking up on a theme shared during his Saviour’s Day 2018 message. The words of Min. Farrakhan last year created a great deal of uproar and backlash from the Jewish community that still rages today. However, never one to back down, Min. Farrakhan boldly shed even more light on the many ways the Jews have corrupted American politics and jurisprudence, as part of their conspiracy to subvert the rise of Black people in America.
Still, in a time when saying anything against Jews is treated almost like a criminal offense, Min. Farrakhan boldly stated that the Talmud, its influence on the Supreme Court and the U.S. Justice Department, as well as its attitude toward women, should all be challenged.
Speaking on women, Min. Farrakhan shared his pride at the rise of women on the sociopolitical front. The Minister spoke of the 102 women who were elected to Congress in the last election, a watershed moment in American history akin to the election of 17 Black, female judges in Harris County, Texas. But the Minister’s strongest words in support of women came in his defense of Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour, two of the principal organizers of the Women’s March movement. Ms. Mallory, a longtime social justice advocate, came under fire for her relationship with Min. Farrakhan and her attendance during Saviours’ Day 2018.
Min. Farrakhan spoke to the conspiracy to pressure both Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour, to step down from their Women’s March leadership posts.
“The wicked Jews want to use me to break up the women’s movement,” the Minister said. “Tamika [Mallory], Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez, our sister with the #MeToo movement, Black Lives Matter, the women shook the world the day after President Trump was inaugurated. The women organized and all over the world, women rose up. When women rise, change is going to come. So, when they saw that Tamika helped that come about, they came after her.”
The Minister also addressed the recent controversy surrounding Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American, Muslim woman recently elected to Congress. She is currently serving as a U.S. representative in the state of Minnesota’s 5th District. Mrs. Omar came under fire recently over a tweet criticizing AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), a pro-Israel political lobbying group that helps shape policy in Congress, and the executive branch of this country. Rep. Omar was forced to recant her statement and offer an apology, but Min. Farrakhan said, “My beautiful sisters [in Congress]; you were sent there to shake that house up,” before addressing the controversy surrounding Rep. Omar, saying, “She has nothing to apologize for. Israel and AIPAC pay off senators and members of Congress to do their bidding.”
On Donald Trump, Min. Farrakhan said, “Trump tells more lies that can be told. But he is there for a purpose … He’s breaking up every pillar of democracy, because there wasn’t no damn democracy from the beginning. It needs to be broken up.” However, he warned meddling in the affairs of Venezuela and fomenting war in Iran and other conflicts would usher in America’s doom.
In another moment, the Minister segued into the boldest, most poignant part of his more than four-hour lecture.
For many years, Min. Farrakhan has often told the story of how Elijah Muhammed told him that he was spoken of in the Bible. In his humility, the Minister has always downplayed the words of his teacher, choosing to exalt himself no higher than the position of brother to his own followers, as well as to those who stand by him and support his efforts the past 64 years. But during Saviours’ Day as the backdrop, Min. Farrakhan, for the first time, seemed to publicly embrace and acknowledge who the scriptures, and Elijah Muhammad, said he is: The Messiah.
“I have never made myself of any great reputation among my brethren. I walk among you humbly because that’s who I am. But I say to those who want their souls restored, who are on that casting couch, to all the women that have been abused, to all the boys, the men that have been abused in prison life, and abused by members of their family, I represent a saviour. A universal saviour … . I represent the Messiah. I represent the Jesus, and I am that Jesus,” Min. Farrakhan said, adding, “I’m the man that’s written in your scriptures that Jesus argued with [the Jews] about. I wasn’t auditioning for the role of Jesus. I didn’t know nothing about the play. I just started working and my teacher kept calling on me. Now I find out that the cross is for me. Now I find out that they’re holding me up right now. The cross is a symbol the Romans used to crucify people to make them a public spectacle. Well, here I am.”
A message like that could be hard for some to embrace, and even harder for people to accept. But it was a message easily embraced by many who came to hear him.
“The Minister’s words were very powerful and informative. As someone who’s in the process of awakening, I think Black people all over the world need to hear this message today,” Cephus “Uncle Bobby” Johnson, the uncle of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old Black man who was shot and killed by transit police in Oakland on New Year’s Day, 2009. “Min. Farrakhan is our Black leader. It’s important for us to understand that, as well as understand how White supremacy has always tried to deter us from acknowledging who our real leader is and standing behind him. That’s really important.”
Rizza Islam, a young Muslim in the Nation of Islam with a strong presence and following on social media based on his videos, was overwhelmed by the powerful lecture Min. Farrakhan gave.
“The Minister’s messages are always right on time. But this one in particular, especially for us, the youth, was 100 percent accurate because he made the official call out to the youth, whether they’re from the street, or on a college campus, to come together and get the work we have to do, moving forward,” Rizza Islam told The Final Call. And on the Minister publicly stating that he is a Messianic figure written and spoken of, both in scripture and prophecy, Rizza Islam said, “It feels so good for him to really understand who he is because he’s been standing back from it for quite some time. He understands that he is fulfilling prophecy and we’ve all been watching it happen.”
Pastor Tim Rogers of the Hope Church in Brownsville, Arkansas found the Minister’s keynote to be enlightening, and he was honored to be a witness of it. “I love when the Minister talks about the historical Jesus. What really stood out to me today was him talking about the Honorable Elijah Muhammad telling him that God had went before him to make friends all over the world and there was going to take time for him to actually meet those friends,” he said.
Anisah Muhammad contributed to this report.