Final Call
National News

No Time to Grieve

by Richard B. Muhammad -Editor- | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

ORLANDO, Fla. - The blood of the martyr may be sacred but the pain of his loss is deep and lasting for his family. Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin were everyday people until their 17-year-old son was killed by a single bullet to the heart. »

Hip Hop raises its voice for Trayvon

by Charlene Muhammad -National Correspondent- | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

The Hip Hop Caucus works nationally, in part, to organize youth around social issues that impact their lives so it was natural that Hip Hop artists and the Caucus raised their voices in a unified response to Trayvon Martin’s death and the acquittal of George Zimmerman, his killer. »

Jobs still key issue 50 years after historic D.C. march

by George Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

PHILADELPHIA (NNPA) - One of the primary goals of the 1963 March on Washington was finding or creating jobs for Blacks. At a panel discussion during the annual convention of the National Urban League, jobs was mentioned more frequently than any other topic as leaders discussed the famous march 50 years ago and an upcoming one planned for Saturday, Aug. 24. »

Sister saviours soldier for peace

by Toure Muhammad Contributing Writer | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

CHICAGO - It was Saturday afternoon during the last few days of Ramadan. The sun was bright and hot as more than 50 women in the Nation of Islam joined just as many men going door-to-door to offer expressions of love, friendship and to extend a special invitation to a free meal and Block Party at Salaam Restaurant located in the heart of the poverty stricken Auburn Gresham community. »

Black America needs Muhammad’s Economic Blueprint

by Starla Muhammad -Staff Writer- | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

CHICAGO - According to recent numbers, there has been an uptick in employment for Blacks in the U.S. Despite these small gains, however, Blacks and others locked out of jobs can’t afford to ignore harsh economic realities and rely on others aboard a sinking ship to save those often excluded in American society. »

A coming of age? Hip Hop at 40

by Ashahed M. Muhammad -Asst. Editor- | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

Hip-Hop consists of several primary elements: rapping, break dancing, graffiti and the role of the DJ. There are other aspects that are undeniably connected such as clothing and terminology. As a cultural art form, it is undeniably true, Hip-Hop’s impact is felt far beyond the place of its origin. »

Hip Hop and the New Slavery

by Toure Muhammad Contributing Writer | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

Artist statements about the music industry, the prison industrial complex hit home. Are we seeing a new trend in rap music?

( - Rappers talking about oppressive, unfair record deals, the false trappings of capitalism and the prison industrial complex is not new to hip hop, but it's usually the underground, unsigned and/or activists, artists who talk about it.

But well-known artists, including Kanye West and rising star J. Cole, have raised these topics in recent music. Kanye and J. Cole had CDs released on the same date, June 18, the day before the annual Juneteenth celebrations in the Black community. Could this be a new trend with more artists unafraid, fed up and/or frustrated enough to confront and analyze more complex, relevant social topics in their music?

"After years of some of the most self-hating and ignorant music our people have ever been forced to digest, this is definitely new and refreshing what J. Cole and Kanye West are saying. I hope it spreads like wildfire to other artists," said Kevin Powell, president and cofounder of BK Nation, a new national organization based in New York.


CBC brings plight of Black males to Capitol Hill

by Nisa Islam Muhammad -Staff Writer- | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

The inaugural event, “The Status of Black Males: Ensuring Our Boys Mature Into Strong Men,” featured a panel with Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy Martin, former congressman and NAACP head Kweisi Mfume, Georgetown Univ. Professor Michael Eric Dyson and David J. Johns of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. »

Bearing witness to the heart, spirit and works of Minister Farrakhan

by Jesse Muhammad -Final Call Social Media- | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

NEW ORLEANS, La. - When most members of the Nation of Islam and the general public see Rashad Muhammad, he’s most likely not stationary and not talking much. »

CBC: GOP senators stalling appointment of Black judges

by Askia Muhammad | Jan 1, 1970 - 0:00:00 AM

WASHINGTON - The critical need for judicial diversity has been willfully stalled and obstructed due to negligence by a handful of Republican members of the U.S. Senate, according to an exhaustive study by the Congressional Black Caucus. »


Calls for united response to death of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman feed push for Florida boycott

( - Calls for a boycott in the wake...

No justice, no peace, no value for Black lives

( - Angry protesters took to streets after an...

When will Black America declare enough is enough?

( - Black folks have worked, marched and fought...

Political Prisoners: America's Most Wanted

ATLANTA - The FBI says Black liberation icon Assata...

Will There Be a Voting Rights Betrayal?

BIRMINGHAM ( - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was...

While U.S. paints itself as global peacemaker, her history reveals a violent past

CHICAGO - Reverberations were still being felt from the...

Farrakhan tells students: You are chosen to build a world!

TUSKEGEE, Ala. - Though some were unhappy with the...



