FCN Online People Poll

Should America atone and
pay reparations for the
Black holocaust of slavery?


Middle Passage
Monument remembers
victims of slave trade

National Coalition
of Blacks for
Reparations in America

Reparations Now!

Do I feel that America owes Blacks for our slave labor? Emphatically yes!

As we watch the Jews receive compensation for their losses during the Jewish Holocaust and the Japanese receive compensation for their unjust internment during World War II, for the life of me, I cannot understand how anyone would deny Blacks their right of compensation!

How anyone could rationalize the denial of material compensation for a whole people, who had been held hostage then remolded and redefined as as nig...rs, only sheds light on the level of deceit and viciousness on behalf of the dominant society (as well as their negro apologists).

Negro leaders, African-American leaders and BLACK leaders should at least agree that damage has been done to our people, and like the Jews, we should go after the holdings of every family, corporation and government that benefited (directly or indirectly) from the suffering of our forefathers. A national class action suit against all of these entities and/or individuals would be a good start. In short, we should be just as vigorous, unrelenting and unforgiving as those Jewish organizations that are tracking down the stolen assets of former Jewish holocaust victims.

William Muhammad
El Paso, TX

Reparations for slavery

I believe that Blacks should get reparations for slavery. The United States can point out what it perceives is wrong with every nation on the planet--except her own. She points out what she believes or what she wants others to believe is wrong in China, Sudan, Indonesia, Kosovo, Libya, Iran, Cuba, The Republic of Congo, etc.

But what about the wrong that has gone on and that goes on each day in the United States? She atones only when it is politically expedient. The U.S. is in the process of atoning for recently bombing the Chinese embassy in Europe. A news agency reported that U.S. was going to pay millions of dollars to the families of the dead and injured and their families.

The U.S. has paid reparations to the Japanese and others for her wrong done to those people. What about paying for the FBI Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELLPRO), a program designed by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to destroy Black organizations and destroy our unity. Sure, President Clinton gave an apology for the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment--it took long enough. However, the U.S. has not gone far enough to atone to Blacks for ALL the evils that she has done to us.

Trevor Muhammad
Selma, AL

Response to questionnaire

In response to the question. Yes, there should be reparations paid to the descendants of all the slaves here in the Americas. This is only right and also long overdue! Time and time again there have been monetary rewards given to the descendants of Jews, however, when the subject comes up about reparations for the black man here in the good ol' US of A, people lose their minds.

It seems to me if you can pay the Jews, the Japanese -Americans, and our brothers, the Indians. Then why not your loyal ex-servants for more than 400 years!  If any one has more of a compelling record or case against this country then it is the black man. I would also have to think that if the others would become a part of the solution instead of the problem, then we would all be seeking true justice. With this new found effort to treat everyone fairly, we could then begin to work together to bring about a change in this nation so that people could go on with their lives and enjoy this great country that we have built with the help of GOD!

Curtis Dewayne Walker
Houston, Texas

Slavery Reparations

The Anti-Defamation League is leading a charge of class action law suits against the corporations which profited from Jewish slave labor during the Jewish holocaust of the 1940's.

If these lawsuits meet with any success, all Americans who are descendants of slaves should file similar lawsuits. Not because it's fashionable or the "in" thing to do, but because we too are holocaust survivors. Crimes--no matter how old or how dusty the corner of your mind is that you've put them in-- should [not] go unrecognized.!

Paula Dawson

Response to Opinion Poll

America should atone and pay reparations for the Black holocaust of slavery; at the same time America has done enough. America has done enough of pretending to atone for her sins. America could never atone and repent enough for her sins against us; America has never in fact stopped sinning against us. I myself am a sinner, if Allah was not so Beneficent and Merciful, I could not atone and repent enough for my sins against myself and others. I have some sympathy for America by reason of my own faults. This sympathy does not prevent me from recognizing the fact that while much effort at rectifying the long history and presence of wrong seems to have been made by the great deceivers, little has in fact been done.

There is little, if any, real desire in America to atone for her wrongs. This lack is made clear by the failures of programs designed to "help" us. We still have not gained freedom, justice, and equality under our slavemasters' ancestors; this remains true even after numerous efforts at 'leveling the playing field'. Are we to believe that a people who could effectively plan and build an atom bomb in top secrecy could not help us achieve our goals of self-realization if she wanted to? That would defy the senses; we must not be deceived again. She will not really do it for a simple reason: righteousness is not in her.

So, even if America were to try to repair the damages she wrought it would not be for the right reasons. What are righteous actions without righteous spirit?

Any attempt at atonement and/or reparations for our suffering, both present and past, on the part of America should be viewed with extreme suspicion at the least.

Anna-Marie Rhodes
New York

A debt left unpaid

I believe that not only do America owes for years of past slavery, but also for present slavery in the disguise of reverse discrimination. This is a calculated plan to make us as African Americans believe that the court system has done so much to help us out that it went too far. The question still remains, how can you discriminate against a people that controls over "eighty-five percent" of America's resources.

LaVal Castleberry
President, Brothers United
Member of the International Association of Black Professional FireFighters - Valdosta, Georgia


America has benefited a great deal from the presence of Black People here in America. From free labor to arts, culture, and the example of human spirit.

Meanwhile, Blacks in America have been actively pushed out of receiving benefit for contribution to American society. We have become this nation's number one problem. America will not let us go but she will not let us into her power structure. Each time a leader has arisen from our people to represent our interests and move us forward, America has actively conspired to silence that voice to maintain our subservient level in this country. However, she is coming to realize that this problem will never go away. At what point will she begin to see us as a problem too costly to continue to suppress but must be gotten rid of? Or is it that she already has?

Donnell Muhammad,
New York.

Atonement & Reparations

Yes, we agree that reparations and Atonement should be forwarded. If every other culture on this planet can receive such, why on earth should we not receive like treatment. This government can find in its heart to reparate the Japanese, Germany can do the same for the Jews, the Natives were given land, the European debt was forgiven. Yet we the descendants of Slave America can't give the same JUSTICE to us. It is a deep rooted racism that still controls the hearts and minds of our political leaders that won't allow this to be done over with.

'Abdul-Khaaliq & Ameera A 'Ali
Wilmington, DE


For over four hundred years ships sailed from the west coast of Africa to the east coast of America with human cargo in the belly of the ship. America was built on the blood of slave labor. America has been enriched on the blood of slave labor. Even though, the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery an apology was never issued nor monetary damage awarded. It is time for America to own up to its past.  America can never move forward until it rectifies the past.

Calvin B. Clifton
Statesboro, Ga

Should America atone?

Should America atone...? Yes, but perhaps not as many would desire. Any financial reparation would lessen the sins of slavery and it's subsequent debilitative effect on Black people in this country. Also, if we were to pay off the Black population, how would we determine who is a descendent and who is not. I could envision the court battles over that issue. I used the term "pay-off" intentionally. Once you retire a debt, the case is closed, finished, out of bounds for future discussion. White people would no longer feel the need or moral obligation to address the obvious disadvantages slavery has handed this nations' people.

Atonement should come in form of inclusion in the larger American culture; politics, finance, education, media, and all other avenues where our children can explore and discover themselves, their world, and future opportunities free of oppressions' shadow. Efforts, legislative and doctrinally, worked by all people should be sustained, given support
by all people. This must be an on-going, deliberate responsibility. We must not settle for some paltry monetary fee to pay for our ancestors suffering (how much would YOU ask for - it ain't enough).

Rick Newsome
Durham, NC

Repent & Reparations

America is long overdue in her repayment to the Black Man & Woman for their years of blood, sweat & tears, to build a country that shows us little or no respect. She has never made good on her promise after slavery was so-called abolished, to pay the ex-slaves.

America does not realize that she must humble herself and pray to Allah God, and ask forgiveness for her many sins, and mistreatment, not to just the black slaves that they brought here from our homeland, but also her mistreatment of the Native Americans and all of the darker peoples of the

They tried to discredit the Million Man March, not taking heed to the valuable message and theme from the Bible (2 Chronicles 7:14): "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal the land.".

Since at this time she has not submitted to this very vital instruction, she is on her deathbed, and digging a deeper grave as time goes on--and time is running out!

If America won't repay, she will have to deal with the ultimate wrath of God. Allah is a Just God, so if America does not treat the people with justice, she will be judged.

Charlotte D. Muhammad
Oakland, CA


Yes, I do believe that America owes a great Dept to the African people But she will never be able to pay the Dept because we as black people have lost So much and no
matter what they try to give or do will never be enough because do you repay someone when you have Robbed, Raped, And Murdered Not just one Family Member but Millions of Family Members so I do believe that They owe us But nothing they do now or later is going to Make up or justify what they Done to us and Continue to do To Us!

Douglas Carson
North Carolina


There is much case law in the American judicial system to support paying a settlement for injustice. This type of settlement is made each day in courts: federal, state, and local throughout the country. It is basically the only way in which the violator (US Government in this instance) attempts to "make whole" the aggrieved party...Meaning that, if it were not for the grievous act or acts against a said party (original people of African ancestry in this instance), their lives would most probably not be fragmented or suffering from the damage caused by the initiator and or supporter of the grievous act or acts. So then the violator, in the American system of government, is to make amends by restoring the aggrieved to "wholeness," up from the fragmented or ruined existence, into near as possible whole existence supposedly guaranteed by the constitution.

In this case basic humanity was denied. There is no amount of money in world banks to completely correct this grievous and vicious act, however to attempt compensation for such damage is an honorable beginning or step in the right direction. It is ludicrous and irresponsible of the congress and any presidential administration to deny the right of the aggrieved settlement of his or her grievances. To do so, on their part, is a blatant undermining of the lives lost in support of this government that claims justice for all.

Mark Gatlin
American Federation of Government Employees
Local 3553


An agreement needs to be made to begin manufacturing of this nation's needs within the inner-cities of America. The inner-city Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and poor Whites must have ownership in the country that there tax dollars go to support. Its the backs of the poor of this Nation that keep it alive. A sacred covenant must be developed now to bridge the gap between Corporate greed and organized disenfranchisement.

America is in no position to pay reparations at this time. Even though she has paid it in the past. The decline of the dollar may not allow those of us who desire reparations to benefit fully from them.

However, Corporate America who has benefited the most from the policies of this government must enter into a dialogue with the government and Black leadership, particularly Minster Louis Farrakhan. A working Black man or poor man will have more respect for what he receives in regards to reparations if there is a plan regarding the full spectrum of what this Nation promises its tax paying citizens.

Wadell T. Muhammad


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