The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 05-22-2001


"And of his signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and what he has spread forth in both of them of living beings.  And he is all powerful to gather them together; when he will."
-Holy Qur'an:Surah 42, Verse 29


"Now he is making instruments to look at all the civilization on Mars. When he sees what is on Mars he won't see any mark of his.  It's our Mars and our people, so God taught Me. He didn't know that they were there until just a few days ago." Our Fathers made it with some type of intelligent beings like ourselves."
-From "The Theology of Time," The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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Scientists agree with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Is there human life on Mars?

by Robert Muhammad





The Surface of Mars (inset) Face of Cydonia.

At the cutting-edge of "this world�s" scientific knowledge, we will find the divine truths in the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The reality of the above statement is constantly being revealed by recent discoveries in the fields of Astronomy, Archeology, Genetics and Biology; and nowhere has this reality been more evident than in the scientific data that have come from NASA�s Mars space probes in recent years.

Astonishing photographic data from NASA�s Viking and Mars Surveyor space probes�which show what appears to be artificial, intelligently-designed structures (including a Martian sphinx-like face, massive pyramids, a city complex and underground glass tunnels) in the region of Mars known as Cydonia, and elsewhere on that planet�confirms the revelations and prophecies of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad about what the scientists of this world would find once they were allowed a peek into the heavens.

Some of you reading this article who may not be familiar with this subject matter may be saying to yourselves things like: "come on!" "Are you kidding?" "Why haven�t I heard about this story? Can this be real?"

The story of discovered artifacts on Mars has been circulating in scientific literature for over two decades. This subject has sparked a raging debate in the scientific community because of its potentially explosive, philosophical, political, religious and national security implications, which is why an information blanket has been imposed on this issue in the "mainstream" media.

Certain aspects of this story have been leaked out into the mainstream culture by individuals in the Hollywood establishment who are aware of its magnitude, and who wish to see it revealed to the American public. The X-Files television program and the recent movie "Mission to Mars" have revealed aspects of this story in a more or less science fiction format.

The vast majority of people who viewed "Mission to Mars" left the theater not realizing that the area called Cydonia, with its giant, face-like structure that was depicted in the film, did not come out of the mind of some science-fiction writer, but is an actual place that exists on Mars!

From the moment pictures of the Cydonia region of Mars were taken by NASA�s Viking space probe in 1976, some scientists in the space agency have attempted to pursue the scientific implications of this discovery and reveal them to the public, while other scientists, for reasons related to politics, religion or national security, have attempted to dismiss or cover-up this discovery.

There is no doubt that the discovery of civilization on the Red Planet would have profound political, philosophical, and most importantly, religious implications for the scientists and theologians of this world; for it would scientifically confirm the reality and knowledge of God, as presented in the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad!

Whenever we are fully exposed to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we are automatically confronted with a choice between two models of reality. The first model asserts that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad actually met with and was taught by God, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, and over a period of three years was given divine revelation and prophesy from the Lord Of The Worlds. Or, we can accept the second model, which asserts that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad lied to us, or himself was lied to or misled by his teacher, in which case, we can dismiss what he taught and end this entire discussion.

If we accept the first model as the true reality, the question becomes, can we actually prove it?

In the book, "The Religion Of Islam," Islamic scholar Maulana Muhammad Ali concludes that true prophecy from a "divine" source must fulfill three pre-conditions in order for us to know that it is real and from Allah (God). The first pre-condition, according to Maulana Muhammad Ali, is that it must "disclose some event which is beyond the scope of human knowledge and which cannot possibly be discovered by human foresight." The second pre-condition is, "it must also be connected with some deep divine purpose in relation to the elevation of humanity." And the third pre-condition for divine prophecy is that, "it must have behind it the force of conviction, so that it is not only uttered with the utmost certainty, but even in circumstances which apparently conflict with what is disclosed in the prophecy."

For the purposes of this article, let us look at what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad revealed, from his teacher, about what is on Mars and what the scientists would find there, to see if it fulfills the three pre-conditions for divine prophecy mentioned above.

Pre-condition No. 1
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in his 1972 "Theology Of Time" lecture series, gives us a precise description of the life the scientists would find on Mars, along with the nature of their civilization. In the "Theology Of Time," the Hon. Elijah Muhammad states concerning Mars and its life; "It�s our Mars and our people (meaning original) so God taught me." He goes on to say, "Our Fathers made it (Mars) with some type of intelligent beings like ourselves. They are not animals. They are intelligent people. ...They show signs of civilization and they look something similar to us. Not exactly, but they look similar. They walk on two feet and they are not White folks."

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad, revealed these things to him in the 1930s, nearly 70 years ago. Now, let us compare what was revealed to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad with what has been discovered by recent space probes to the planet Mars.

Angstrom Science Award winning author, Richard C. Hoagland, in his groundbreaking book, "The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever," covers in great detail the chronology, scientific analysis, and the hidden politics surrounding the discovery by this world�s scientists of intelligently designed structures in the region of Mars known as Cydonia.

As previously stated, these structures include what appears to be giant Neolithic (stone) monuments, such as pyramids, a sphinx-like face, and a city complex that Hoagland and many other scientists have studied and documented. In his book, Hoagland reveals how he and U.S. Defense Mapping Agency cartographer Erol Torun discovered two redundant mathematical codes in the geometric configurations of the Cydonia monuments. One of these mathematical codes also has been found, according to Hoagland, in the geometry of the monuments built by our forefathers on the Giza plateau in Egypt!

The second mathematical code that appears with redundancy is the geometric coordinate 19.47, or rounded off to its nearest whole number, 19! This number has great significance in the mathematical decoding of the Holy Qur�an, and the lessons that were given to us from Master Fard Muhammad. (Please reference "The Comer By Night" by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad for more information on this subject.)

The description of the inhabitants of Mars given to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad matches precisely what scientists have found. For instance, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad describes the life on Mars as "people," meaning humanoid. The photographs of Cydonia taken by the Mars space probes show a humanoid face-like structure in that region. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad also states that they are "our people," meaning original people. As stated earlier, the monuments on Mars are massive neolithic structures (including pyramids). In the history of the Earth, it has been documented that the only people known to built massive neolithic pyramid structures are the original peoples of the Earth�in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. If this is true in the history of the Earth, it would stand to reason that the same would be true on Mars!

Nowhere in the history of the last 6,000 years can it be said that an individual has precisely predicted what would be discovered of life on another planet before the actual discovery of that life thru scientific investigation. But this is exactly what the Hon. Elijah Muhammad has done! It can be said that the Holy Qur�an makes a general assertion about the existence of life in the cosmos, but nowhere, and at no time, has there ever been a specific, precise description of life on another world predicted before the development of the science to confirm it! The disclosure of this reality is not only beyond the scope of human knowledge and foresight, but could only have come from God himself!

Pre-condition No. 2
The second pre-condition of divine prophecy, that it must be "connected with some deep divine purpose in relationship to the elevation of humanity," is so self-evident in the Hon. Elijah Muhammad�s words concerning life on Mars that there is not enough space here to articulate it. The fact that a precise prediction about life on another planet, that was placed there by "Our Fathers," was made by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a man with a 4th grade education, has profound implications concerning the teacher who taught him, the god-potential in the nature of man and our true history on this planet and in the cosmos.

Pre-condition No. 3
The third and last pre-condition is fulfilled by the boldness in which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught what was revealed to him for over 40 years in the face of ridicule and preliminary scientific data from early Mars space probes which suggested that Mars was a dead planet, with no possibility of life, not unlike the Moon. He steadfastly continued to teach what was revealed to him, until the science of "this world" had advanced to a level where it could scientifically and mathematically confirm what God had shown him.

The question of credibility
When an assertion as incredible as the existence of a civilization on the planet Mars is made, automatically the question of scientific credibility is raised. Because this subject matter is so outside mainstream thought and experience, it demands the most rigorous scientific verification possible to insure that it is not viewed as some lunatic-fringe pseudo-science.

One way to discern what is a scientific reality from what is a un-scientific assertion based on pseudo-science is the quality of scientific investigation and scholarship involved in its confirmation. To insure that the assertion of a discovery of signs of civilization on the planet Mars is viewed in its proper scientific light, it may be important at this time to briefly overview the level of scientific expertise involved in its investigation and confirmation.

As mentioned above, Richard C. Hoagland, author of "The Monuments of Mars," is an Angstrom Science Award winner for his research into "hyper-dimensional" physics. Hoagland also has served as space-science consultant for NBC and CBS, the television networks. He also served as a consultant to NASA and the Goddard Space Center, among other accomplishments.

In 1981 Mr. Hoagland became science advisor to CNN in New York, and also served as the editor-in-chief of Star and Sky magazine, one of the most respected publications in the field of Astronomy. Presently, Mr. Hoagland serves as the head of the Enterprise Mission investigative group, that has been in the forefront of studies involving the possibility of artificial structures on Mars, and elsewhere in the Solar System.

Other scientists and researchers who, through their own independent investigation and studies, have concluded that artificial, intelligently-designed structures exist on Mars, include:

  • Dr. Mark Carlotto, a computer-optics scientist with the Analytic Sciences Corporation. Dr. Carlotto produced a mathematical 3-D optical analysis of the Face on Mars that made the cover of the prestigious Applied Optics Science Journal, in May of 1988. Dr. Carlotto�s analysis showed that the Face was not caused by some trick of light and shadow, but was a true "visual impression of a face."

  • Dr. Tom Van Flandern, the former head of the Celestial Mechanics Branch of the U.S. Naval Observatory (Department of the Navy), and one of the most accomplished astronomers in the field. During the recent April 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., he stated that based on photos taken of the Cydonia region of Mars by the Mars Surveyor spacecraft, there is only a 100 Billion, Billion-to-one chance that the Face on Mars and its surrounding structures are not intelligently designed artifacts!

  • Ronald R. Nicks and James Erjavee, two highly respected engineering geologists, who did the first in-depth geological study of the Cydonia region, concluded that the features in the Cydonia region demand more than a simple geological explanation for their existence, and may be the result of some form of engineering.

  • Arthur C. Clarke, one of the most respected elder statesmen in the scientific community and author of the classic, "2001, A Space Odyssey." Mr. Clarke, among his many achievements, is the conceptual genius behind what is known in the space-science community as the "Clarke Belt," the area in Earth�s orbit at about 22,300 miles where satellites orbit for the purpose of observation and communications satellites. Mr. Clarke, in a Feb. 25th, 2001 interview for, is quoted as saying�after reviewing recent photos from the Mars Surveyor spacecraft showing what appears to be giant glass tunnels on the surface on Mars�"I am fairly convinced that we have discovered life on Mars."

The research and testimony of Arthur C. Clarke and numerous other scientists and scholars adds enough scientific weight and legitimacy to the assertion that signs of civilization have been discovered on the surface of Mars; and also bears witness to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught about that planet for over 40 years.

On page 460 of Richard C. Hoagland�s book, "Monuments of Mars," he describes a statistical study done by Dr. Horace Crater, a physicist at the space institute of the University of Tennessee, on the monuments found in the Cydonia region. The result of this statistical analysis revealed that the mathematical odds against the structures at Cydonia being the result of "randon geology," was " 1 chance in 2 quintillion, 330 quaddrillion!" Or in everyday layman�s terms: There is a snowball�s chance in hell that the monuments on Mars are not made by intelligent life forms!

Photo: The surface of Mars (inset) Face of Cydonia

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