The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 01-30-2001

Wisdom: Its meaning and purpose for humanity
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril MuhammadWe who follow the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan should seriously seek the actual understanding and the best use of the wisdom of the Wise Man, with whom "Moses" walked. Among our efforts to acquire this wisdom, should be proper questions of the source or origin, the nature, purpose, design and structure, the spiritual and the practical function of the Wise Man�s wisdom and finally, how we may best acquire and use it. To fail to do this is to end up like the "Moses" in Surah 18: 60-82.

What is wisdom? What is the importance of wisdom? What is its ultimate origin? How is it acquired? Why isn�t it acquired almost at once? Is there a wisdom that will solve every problem, and cure every ill of our individual and collective lives? Does a wisdom really exist that is comprehensive enough, not only to solve all of the current problems engulfing humanity, but also solves all of the future problems that may ever come or be produced?

Obviously, this short article can hardly scratch the surface of the answers that others, who are wise, have provided. I�ve here compressed, some of what I�ve learned from others, that I used in Farrakhan: God�s Man On The Straight Path.

I tried to show that wisdom, both past and present, only leads to the doorstep of the wisdom of the Wise Man, whom the Holy Quran describes. I also wrote what I did to bear testimony that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is being guided by that wisdom and what that means.

Although we are not born wise the fact that some become wise indicates that we all have a predisposition, or at least the capacity, for the attainment of wisdom. Some scholars make a difference between what they call theoretical and practical wisdom. It�s an artificial difference. The former may be obtained by pursuing the nature and meaning of human life, and the purpose for which the universe was created. Contrary to the views of many, much that is highly practical has come from the answers to such seeking. The latter relates to the development of institutions and governing of society and what is called "every-day" matters.

One is wise who has a deep understanding of people and ones own self; is thoughtful and is a careful listener; is not afraid to admit mistakes; learns from experiences; is humble; who can communicate; has a good sense of humor; is in touch with reality; is open to others, to differences and to changes when they occur; is an advocate of the highest principles and who manifests loyalality to same; is generally self-reliant, while recognizing ones� interdependence with others; is patient (or better, is "sabir;" see note 61 of Yusuf Ali�s translation of the Holy Quran.)

One is wise who possesses vast knowledge; is acutely perceptive; is extraordinarily sensitive; seeks and evaluates relevant information, even details; sees and considers all sides of an issue; weighs and evaluates matters carefully before making conclusions, decisions, speaking and taking actions; demonstrates foresight; conceptualizes the larger context of matters under consideration; determines long-range consequences; has the long view of things; is discrete and observant; is experienced; realizes that decades are required to learn how to live; sees through appearances; interprets complexities to their essence; is empathetic; offers solutions on the side of right, truth and the exigencies of the case; is intuitively intelligent; recognizes ones limitations; works to develop, maintain and hold in balance every good quality of which his/her nature is composed; copes with enemies by the best principles; is truly helpful to others; is a loving person, who is also a genuine lover of humanity.

The above are some of the qualities this world attributes to both those who believe and those claiming disbelief in the Supreme Being. Books have been written on each quality, and I did not cover them all. (Go to web address "".)

However, one does not have to enter a deep analysis to show that the believer in God should be capable of being a better human being than the non-believer. However, this must be weighed intelligently as the enslavers of Black people, for example, claimed belief in God.

A broad enough analysis would include the fact that many who claim no religion act better than many who do. Moreover, many people differ with others, throughout this earth, about who are the wise. For instance, there are many people who are unaware of the existence of the United States of America�the Goliath of the earth. Yet among them are those who are looked up to as very wise, but who, in fact, are ignorant!

The religious believers, whether Jew, Christian or Muslim, and some others, would accept the proposition in Sirach 1:1, that "All wisdom comes from the Lord and with Him it remains forever." In Sirach 19:17 we read, "�perfect wisdom is in the fulfillment of His will."

As his teacher before him, Minister Farrakhan has made plain that the use of the wisdom of this world�religious or otherwise�is at the root of the planet wide misery that exists throughout the earth. Even with all of their wisdom, the wisest of this world cannot resolve the overwhelming problems that exist in every nation, whether they are in the United Nations, or not.

Daniel speaks of this time, which is the worst since life began. The wise all agree that wisdom�far beyond what is now in use, or that the wise of this world can conceptualize�is desperately needed at once.

The scriptures state that if the Lord did not shorten these days, none would be left alive on the earth. The wise of this world publicly admit this.

Minister Farrakhan has been educating all who will listen�and millions are� that this much needed wisdom was revealed to his teacher, by the Lord of the worlds, and he urges all to examine and accept before it is too late�as it is the solution to everyone�s problems and the key to peace and happiness, as promised in the scriptures.

All of this world�s wisdom, and all of the wisdom preceding it�from that which produced the beginning of time, until now�was but preparation for the wisdom that Minister Farrakhan teaches from his teacher.

In his first Theology of Time speech (June 4, 1972) the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that Master Fard Muhammad "� pointed out to me, one night, two little stars in the south-eastern skies; a blue one and a red one. He said �Its been 50,000 years since we have seen these two stars.� He said, �and when they go away out of the skies from our sight this time it will be 50,000 years before they reappear. Every time they reappear there will be a universal change.�

He continued that "He-" (then he was interrupted by the clapping of the audience). His next words were, "The white man recognize these things�their scholars and scientists�but they don�t dare talk to you on nothing of the kind."

He continued, "� a blue star beside a red star � means the removal of a world that don�t correspond with the original world. You say �Well how many more times� .� This is to end it up.

"The wisdom that this One [Master Fard Muhammad] brought is to bring an end to these signs working forth to show something to come afterwards. This man�s wisdom�there is no wisdom to come after this that will be able to erase this wisdom because this wisdom is brought to you from the root of wisdom from the Originator of the universe."

He continued with more truths, and then said that the raising up of himself, by God, "crowns" us "with glory and happiness." To help us see this, just look at Minister Farrakhan�s work.

The following is in This Is The One and the italicized words are of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad took the general natural laws of the universe and the laws of the nature of man to demonstrate that it all bore witness with the truth of the all-wise Designer and Creator of the heavens and earth. This alone conclusively proved the truth of the aims and purposes of Master Fard Muhammad. By guiding the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to this position and power, He demonstrated the truth of His identity and the truth of what He taught His servant, of which Minister Farrakhan is the chief exponent.

"Master Fard Muhammad aims to raise the Lost-Found (so-called Negro) into the knowledge and wisdom�the very

"He also aims presently, to raise His people into His own

"He aims not only to reveal His ideas for the present creation of the universe, but also to give to man the nature and the creative wisdom to produce creative ideas as The Father of Civilization.

"He aims to make The Nation of Righteousness, who will rule in the Hereafter, with the potential knowledge of producing and bringing into action, or existence, that which He has been able to produce. We call this �ideas.� He aims to make each one into a God."

Minister Farrakhan offers the wisdom of the "Wise Man," with whom, years ago, he has merged.

More next issue, Allah willing.



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