The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 01-09-2001

Disrespect and envy are enemies of the righteous
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril MuhammadIn the A. Maududi translation of the Holy Qur�an, 3:54, we read that, "(It was to carry out His secret plan that) He said, �O Jesus, now I will recall you and raise you up to Myself and cleanse you of (the uncongenial company and the filthy environment of) those who have rejected you ... .� "

Reflect over this as you look at what comes below from the book titled, Farrakhan: The Traveler, volume one. On page iii in the introduction is this:

"The aim, purpose and objective [of the articles that went before those which appear in this book as well as those which appeared in it, is to] help the readers think about Minister Louis Farrakhan in a manner that is pleasing to the Divine Supreme Being and His Christ, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

"When anyone disrespects another, they will, to some extent, disregard the words of the disrespected one; even when such disrespect is unjustified. Such disrespect leads to the underestimation and even (in its later stages) hostility and then hatred for the one who is the object of such disrespect. In these cases, it starts out as disrespect and develops into contempt. In some cases, it becomes worse.

"To disrespect Minister Farrakhan means that one will misunderstand the message he has from God for our guidance, welfare and the future both of our families and ourselves, regardless to your color, sex, age, profession, etc.

"It is my aim, in presenting these articles, to stimulate deep enough thought about Minister Farrakhan, which will increase our insight into this extraordinary man of God.

"One of the underlying purposes of these articles is to aid those who are joining Minister Farrakhan to help lift the name and works of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. How? By stimulating their minds to see the Minister more as Allah, His Christ and the original Writers of the scriptures see him. Why? Because it is only by divine sight that we can properly relate to him. Of course, this principle holds true in all of our relationships. The more accurately we see the better we can relate to others; even to improving self that we might relate even better to others.

"The Authors (Wise original Scientists) of the Holy Qur�an 3:85, raised this question as they pondered our condition, 15,000 plus years ago: �How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their believing, and after they had borne witness that the Messenger was true, and clear arguments had come to them? And Allah guides not the unjust people.� "

Then after a paragraph I wrote:

"Only 144,000 were prophesied to escape the doom of this world, by some of the Wise Scientists. One �slim� last chance, or way was outlined in the scriptures, however, to save the millions of our people; even to providing others of this world a way out. It�s there in the scriptures. It involved the production of Minister Farrakhan�by the Lord of the worlds, and special preparation by and the prayers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for him, before his departure in 1975. All of this�and more�ultimately depended upon the exquisite execution of the Divine plan by Master Fard Muhammad, which is recorded in the scriptures. He brought the Honorable Elijah Muhammad into the understanding and into the power of working with Him to bring aspects of it into reality.

"The position Minister Louis Farrakhan is growing into � ... in this world�s life ...� reflects the position of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the �heavens.� Furthermore, it is only from the exalted position�the pinnacle of this world�s life�that Minister Louis Farrakhan can meet with and receive from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the new teachings that will eventually bring our nation to infinitely higher grades. He must go up and be up to meet again with his teacher.

"Finally, as we consider Holy Qur�an 3:85, remember Allah resolved the apparent contradiction involved in the question of how shall we be guided after having rejected the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, after bearing witness that he was true, in the presence of clear arguments. We�ve been greatly unjust to God and ourselves. However, as it is written of Allah, His mercy encompasses all things. From His grace He has made special provisions.

"Muhammad of Arabia reportedly said that Allah had given to the world one part of His mercy and had reserved the other ninety-nine, in effect, for His people in the Day of Judgment. This is that day.

"So, this act of divine grace does not come from a contradiction in the character in the Divine Supreme Being. No. It comes from His infinite understanding and immeasurable love for us.

"So, let us show gratitude; and help our Brother, Minister Farrakhan, our people, each other, and ourselves from unselfish motives. Let our acceptance of our Brother�the Honorable Louis Farrakhan�be whole and not partial.

"May these articles help in that process. Thank you for reading this.

"Jabril Muhammad

"June 17, 1983"


Then from an article, written in May 1982, on page three of this same book, I wrote:

"Generally speaking, an analogy involves showing the similarity, in some respects between things, otherwise unlike, that partially resembles one another. More specifically (in the science of logic), it is the inference that certain admitted resemblances imply probable further similarities.

"Analogies are properly used to help one see what you are trying to get them to see about someone, (ones), something or some event. Up to a point, analogies may provide some evidence that may lead to proof. However, analogies by themselves do not have the power to produce proof. No one can prove the truth of any argument or case solely through the use of analogies. Anyone who tries to do so is either lacking in understanding of the nature of analogies, evidence and proof; or is a double-minded deceiver.

"Analogies are properly used, to put it very simply, to help others see what you see. Naturally, helping another see what we see does not mean that what we see is true. Nor do we prove as true (in the ultimate sense of the word) a fact to be a fact by merely stating that what we say is a fact.

"Generally speaking, it takes less time to state something to be a fact than to prove that what is stated is true."

After stating blunt but clear truths about Minister Farrakhan and his teacher, in terms of what was written in the scriptures, which is misunderstood to have happened 2,000 years ago, I wrote on page five:

"Envy is the main evil quality that blocks any otherwise good mind from seeing the divine significance in the mission and message of Minister Louis Farrakhan. Minister Farrakhan has crisscrossed America while delivering the knowledge of the meaning and message of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in an astounding manner. He has done this accurately and consistently. The reaction of the overwhelming majority to his presentation makes it clear that not only is his preaching of the Final Call welcome, but it is on time.

"If this is so, and it is, what is it about envy that blocks, impedes, or blinds a person from seeing that which is not only good and timely but good and timely in the ultimate sense in that it is divine?

"What is envy? What are its roots? Why is it so destructive? Dictionaries are of little or no help in defining the state of mind and feelings that the word envy represents. If you ever probe the study of morality, you will find that the extent to which evil influences vital issues is generally avoided by most writers, teachers, politicians, and scholars in all fields. Envy wears many faces or disguises.

"Have you ever considered that it is all but impossible to depict a person who is posing by him or herself, in a picture, in a way that tells the viewer that the person is envious? If you were to draw an envious person, how would that person look? It is very hard to do�if not outright impossible�due to the fact that envy in a person cannot be detected apart from that person�s relation to the other that he or she envies. This is not always easy to see.

"Envy is an emotion that is directed towards another. Without the other (a target, a victim) envy cannot happen. You can show fear, happiness, anger or grief with far greater ease than you can show envy, in such as paintings or sculpture. It is no easy thing to portray the mind of a person who despises another for having a reputation, or some skill, which the person who envies may or may not lack, to some degree, but who rejoices at the other�s loss of such assets, even though that loss would not mean a gain for the person who envies."

The article continued that envy "in no way can be a characteristic on which one can build brotherhood."

The above are excerpts from material produced eighteen and more years ago. These subjects yet need to be studied, as we�ve all come so much closer to the end.

The word "uncongenial" means: "not sympathetic or compatible; not fitted; unsuitable; not to one�s taste; disagreeable." It also means "offensive and unfriendly." Due to the time, look further into this, in other translations, to deepen your grasp of what is in Allah�s words.

This is indeed, God�s day of separation of which the Bible, the Holy Qur�an, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan have been teaching and warning.

More next issue, Allah willing.



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