
Don’t Vote For The Lesser Evil – Demand Justice!

By Anisah Muhammad | Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 - 11:36:21 AM

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Anisah Muhammad @MuhammadAnisah
I was in fifth grade when news about Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential election swept across the nation. At my elementary school in Marietta, Georgia, one of my classmates—a White girl named Sara had shed tears about Obama’s election. I grew up around proud Black people and said the worst possible thing to console my friend: “It’s good that we finally have a Black president.”

She paid me no mind, probably ignored my comments as she cried softly with a crowd of classmates attempting to cheer her up. But as I look back on that moment in time, I wonder, “What made her, A 10-11 year old, so upset to see a Black man in the White House?” Is it because of The Cronos Complex, described by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as the White man’s inability to accept any ruler other than himself?

President Obama’s campaign slogan of “Change We Can Believe In” sparked hope in some people—Blacks, Hispanics/ Latinos, Muslims, poor Whites, the LBGTQ community, and others— while in other people his campaign sparked the fear of the rise of Black people.

Perhaps he represented America’s last chance from divine chastisement and destruction? Now, America has entered a political landscape where candidates like Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are campaigning for the 2016 presidential election, but none of the candidates, as Minister Farrakhan has stated, are saying what needs to be said when it comes to the recent lynching’s and beatings of Black people by officers of the law. None of them are saying what needs to be said to save America from God’s wrath.

For years Blacks in America thought the country entered into a post-racial era, but Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns and elections brought the worst out of White people –even to the point of causing White children such as my fifth grade friend Sara to be stricken with grief.

As the 2016 election candidates campaign, Black people are wondering who to align themselves with, but neither the Democratic nor Republican candidates are saying what they are going to do regarding our cry for justice. Them confirming that “Black Lives Matter,” is not enough. Today, we must align ourselves with God, His Christ and His Messiah to make a serious demand for justice from these political candidates, and if our demand is ignored, why vote for the lesser evil?

It is better for us to not vote at all than to vote into office a candidate that will not work on our behalf.

Anisah Muhammad is a young writer based in Montgomery, Alabama. To read more of what she writes,, and check out her book “Escaping The Chains” on