Minister Louis Farrakhan

The Moral Case for Separation and Independence

By The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 - 8:27:06 AM

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[Editor’s note: The following article is excerpted from a major message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Part 49 of his 52-week Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done.” This message originally aired on Saturday, December 14, 2013 and is now available in its entirety on MP3, DVD and CD. We encourage readers to visit and order this important message in its entirety.]

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. 

President Abraham Lincoln wanted to separate Black people, and give them a place outside of America, as well as aid from America in helping us to go for ourselves.  Mr. Lincoln said that it was “morally right” that we be separated; and it was in “the best self-interest” of America to do so. And what President Lincoln was looking for then were those strong men and women in government who would recognize and have the will to do this. 

As it was then, so it is now.  

In fact, it is more morally correct that we be separated.  In fact, it is more in America’s self-interest to help us to go for self.  This begs of each of us to have moral sense of what is right and what is judicious.

What does “moral” mean?  Moral means “of, or pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or the rules of right conduct, or the distinction between ‘right’ and ‘wrong;’ ethical or moral attitudes expressing or conveying truths, or counsel as to right conduct founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct, rather than on legalities, enactments or custom.” 

Abraham Lincoln
President Abraham Lincoln, in his June 26, 1857 “Speech on the Dred Scott Decision,” stated:  “I have said that the separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation. ... The enterprise is a difficult one; but ‘when there is a will there is a way’; and what colonization needs most is a hearty will. ‘Will’ springs from the two elements of moral sense and self-interest.”  Here again Lincolnthe 16th president, is linked to “the moral sense” of the third president Thomas Jefferson, who proposed in his writings (from Notes on the State of Virginia in 1785): 

“[Blacks] should be colonized to such place as the circumstances of the time should render most proper, sending them out with arms, implements of household and of the handicraft arts, seeds, pairs of the useful domestic animals, etc. to declare them a free and independent people, and extend to them our alliance and protection, till they shall have acquired strength.”

In President Jefferson’s mind, it was “morally correct” to send the slaves out and let them go free; and it is in “our self-interest,” Lincoln said, to do that:  “… Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and, at the same time, favorable to, or, at least, not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be. …” 

But here are two presidents that were overridden by a majority opinion:  1.) Thomas Jefferson couldn’t get the founding fathers to agree with the morality of what he was saying, and they couldn’t see their self-interest, and the long-range good to their children, in the morality of what he was saying, 2.) And neither could the people in the time of Abraham Lincoln see the moral sense and the self-interest of “separating the Black from the White.”

Worldwide neo-colonization of Black
by those with the power to appropriate

Lincoln also said, “Party operations, at present, only favor or retard colonization, incidentally …” in other words they don’t favor it fully, but “incidentally” and “incrementally.” 

Now look at this:  This is why members of the Jewish community could influence the politicians for “separate, but equal”—it’s a form of colonization; because the Blacks are in a separate area, but that area is controlled from Whites outside of their area. 

The definition of “colonize” means:  “to send a group of settlers to a place and establish control over it; come to settle and establish political control over the indigenous people of an area; to appropriate a place or domain for one’s own use.”  Is it an accident that everywhere you find Black people in America, you find us living in an area appropriated to us by that which has the power to do so? 

So we have been effectively “colonized,” without giving us anything like Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln desired for us to have.  We live in an appropriated area, under the control of the Whites—through Black preacherspoliticians and business people that White people control. They gerrymander us, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. accused them of doing.  And what is “gerrymandering”?  In politics, it is “the dividing of a state, a county, into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts, while concentrating the voting strength of the other into as few districts as possible.”  That’s part of the incrementalincidental colonization of us:  You redraw districts to take power from, and give power to.

Many colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and in Central America were “gifted” their freedom, except Haiti (who fought for and won their own freedom). So when your former slave master “gifts you” something, you better be careful that it’s not a Trojan horse:  “Is it something that has in it something that will overcome you, and eventually keep you in colonized state?” Black peoples’ condition in Africa, The Caribbean and Central America is nothing more than “a colony of Blacks subjected to the whim or will of outside forces.”  So, you are “separate,” but very, very unequal …  So now, your desire is to integrate into the major colonial power—not completely separate from them?  

Let us see how Blacks have fared integrating into the countries of their former colonial master:  How’s it going? Blacks in The Caribbean:  We have many Francophone countries (countries that have been under the rule of France), and Anglophone countries (countries that are under the rule of England).  But those of you in both the Francophone and the Anglophone countries are still tied to your former colonial master: His education is what you function by; his legalities and system of law and governance and jurisprudence is what you function by. So you have a “flag,” and you have representatives in The Commonwealth nations and in the United Nations, but you are not able to see that you are yet still a colony.  

The Black community in America: When it looks like we’re going to get political power, they redraw lines to take power from us and give it to others who are more affable (more “friendly”), and a part of their desires.  

So, it is with you in Africa:  You are subjected, now, to Europe by means of food production.  Your food is coming to you from outside; you are not producing your own food. You are subjected now, because you’re in debt to the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) and the World Bank; so you’re nothing more than a legitimized colony, with not even the implements that will allow you to set yourself free. 

So as it teaches in the 16th Chapter of the Book of Ezekiel, verses 1-6, you are still like “a baby” cast out in the open field, with no one to cut the umbilical cord, so you are not washed and cleaned and you are absolutely not clothed or covered. But, you are polluted in “the blood,” or life:  Directed by a colonial, or slave, mentality. It is a worldwide “colonization” of The Darker People of our planet.

That is why The Message of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is so vital, so necessary, for The Darker People, The Aboriginal People of the world:  To wake them up to make them see that they have been neo-colonized. 

Some of the Gentiles would have wanted to let us go, and send us off to another place somewhere, but still under their domination, so-called protection, and “care.”  But some members of the Jewish community did not want the Gentiles to win that argument of methodology of dealing with us. These members of the Jewish community wanted us to stay in the South, under “The Slave Codes” and “The Black Codes”; and they wanted us to farm the land as sharecroppers. The Jewish influence in the South politically, through cotton, is what kept us tied down; but also, by their influence they also guided the Gentiles as well. We must help our people to see and fulfill this prophecy found in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 60, verses 1-4 (KJV):  “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.  And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.”—it’s talking about you and me, brothers and sisters!—“Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in “Point No. 4” of The Muslim Program that appears on the back page of each edition of The Final Call newspaper said:  We should separate and America should look after us “in a separate state or territory for the next 20 to 25 years, until we are able to produce our own needs.” 

Take  The Muslim Program before Congress:  Now regardless to what you may think of the “politics” of the situation, it was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that advised us to “take his Program and put it before the Congress of the United States”:  “Your program—the one I have given you which is carried in the first part of this chapter—should be put before Congress.  The Civil Rights Bill and integration will not stand and can never bring independence to you and your people, no matter who is President.  The wisest and surest way to success is to unite behind me. I assure you that, with the help of Allah, you will accomplish your goals—money, good homes, and friendships in all walks of life.” (Message To The Blackman in America, chapter “Program and Position,” pages 172-173). Ultimately we are going to be such a troublesome species of property that the Congress itself is going to have to rule on something like this.