Minister Louis Farrakhan

The Grace of God

By Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Jul 17, 2009 - 10:37:29 AM

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[Editor's note: This article originally appeared in Vol. 10, No. 3. It is an excerpt of a speech delivered by Minister Louis Farrakhan on Nov. 25, 1990 at Mosque Maryam.]

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Allah (God) will manifest in us and through us, for the human being is the glory of Allah (God) and is Allah’s (God’s) vicegerent to take God’s place on Earth. This is our domain, to rule and govern, but we cannot govern it properly unless we evolve into Him. We must never turn away from Him, because to turn away from Him is like the planet turning away from the light of the sun, then we are in the darkness and whenever we are in darkness, we suffer what darkness brings.
Allah (God) says in the Holy Qur'an that He created the heavens and the earth with truth. He says, "Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, glorifies Him." Since you and I have never seen Allah (God), then how do we get acquainted with the unseen? Allah (God) created the heavens and earth from nothing. What is the power and force in the nature of God that allows him to create such a magnificent universe that defies the scholars and scientists to compare anything to the beauty of what He has created? There is nothing that any human being makes, fashions, colors or reproduces that equals the Beauty of Allah's (God's) creation.

The two most repeated attributes of God in the Holy Qur'an are contained in these words, Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim: In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. These two attributes, "beneficence" and "mercy," have a single root out of which they spring, and that root is Love. Therefore in the New Testament, we get the words: God is love.

How does Allah (God) express His love? He expresses His love in the quintessential beauty of His nature by what He creates and what He does for what He creates, and through what He creates.

Allah (God) as a creator starts painting on the canvas of space out of the beauty of His own nature. He gives us the sun, moon, stars, galaxies, earth, mountains, flowers, and all kinds of different creatures. When you look at the flowers, insects and the animal world, you see this huge array of creatures that manifest His infinite wisdom and power and His matchless beauty—the color only He can give in flowers. This is the beauty of His nature.

Allah (God) not only creates a thing,but He nurtures what He creates and He sustains and maintains what He creates. So, He doesn't just put something out there; He provides everything it needs to grow to its eventual perfection. That is a Mighty God. Think about a God who has created everything that you see and provides for every creature, from the smallest all the way to the most magnificent, He has provided for that creature. This is a Mighty God. What did we do to deserve this?

Lessons in Creation

We just got here. All we had to do was to be here. We did not have to do anything for Him, He did it all for us. This is a God who creates a worm and provides for the worm. But He just doesn't create things haphazardly. He creates things, and for everything that He created there is a purpose; and in everything that He created is a lesson for all of us to study. So everything that God created is a message from Him.

The Qur'an says that in everything that God creates, there is a lesson for man, if man would be mindful. Solomon said, "Thou sluggard, go to the ant, study its ways and become wise." Here is a creature that Allah (God) created that is under your foot, but Allah (God) says study that which is under your foot for in it is a lesson for us.

But man is arrogant and haughty. His lessons are all around him but he refuses to become a submissive and humble servant of Allah (God) to learn from the things that are around him.

Your friends, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and neighbors, in all of them are lessons. You have to look at everything around you for this is the real Book of God. It is not the book that people write with their hands. It is the Book that Allah (God) has put all over and around us; it is His Creation.

Creation is a Book

Allah (God) says in the Qur'an, "I created you in the womb." He does not give the credit to our mothers. He did not say that our mothers and fathers created us. He said, "I created you in the womb." Who then are our mothers and fathers? They are the agents of His Creation. He uses what He creates to bring about what He pleases.

When we were forming in the womb of our mothers, not conscious, He provided for us. He forces our mothers by the nature of the flesh to continue to eat and drink. If she wants to live, she has to continue to eat and drink and as she eats and drinks, we also are growing in the womb feeding from what she eats and drinks.

Therefore, Allah (God) must make you a wise woman, because what you eat, drink and think is the basis of the formation of what is growing within you. So, it is exceedingly difficult to make a good child until we make a good woman. You cannot make a good woman until you make a good man, because a good woman can be ruined by a no-good man. In fact, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that there is no such thing as a no-good woman. Every no-good woman that you see was made no-good by a no-good man.

Female and male are the highest manifestations of the wisdom of Allah (God). In fact the Bible calls us the glory of God, not "a" glory but "the" glory—greater than the sun, moon, stars and mountains and greater than anything that He created. The human being can rise from sperm, mixed with ovum, floating in a bag of water to become master over what Allah (God) has created.

Allah (God) says "Not only did I create you in your mother's womb, but before you knew you had a need, I knew your need and I provided your need." That is Allah's (God's) Beneficence, Mercy, and Grace. However, the Qur'an keeps saying over and over again that, "Little it is that you give thanks."

If your father works hard and gives you a new pair of shoes, do you just take the shoes and go out in the street and scuff and kick them and never say to your father, "Thanks, Dad."

Our mothers nurtured us when we could not help ourselves. She changed our diapers when we couldn't change ourselves. She cleaned us when we couldn't clean ourselves. You mean to tell me that we don't want to say, "Thanks, Mom," and show gratitude for a mother and a father that are the agents of Allah's (God's) creation of us?

Whatever we feel about our mothers and fathers or think they did wrong, we couldn't even think the thought, unless we had them to bring us here to think about what they did wrong.

Honor Your Parents

Allah (God) didn't raise us to be the judge of our parents; He raised us up to honor our parents. Whether they are in your sight worthy of honor or not, He requires it of all of us. Allah (God) doesn't put any requirement on that. For instance, to only honor the parent that worked hard and went out and cleaned the enemy's floors and doors and did all these good things for you, you only honor them? No, that's not correct.

If your mother is a junkie or a prostitute, she fell into that because of conditions, but you are to respect her for what God intended for her, even if she is not measuring up to what He intended.

It is the same with all of our fathers. Most of us don't know anything about our father, but if we know where he is, show him a measure of respect, because without him we could not be. But little it is that we give thanks.

If we are not thankful for little things, we will find ourselves being ungrateful to God, who is the Giver of all things. When we get into trouble with Allah (God), we pay a very high price for being ungrateful.

Even though we are the best of His creatures, we must never turn away from Allah (God), because if we turn away from Him, we turn away from the source of our evolution into Him.

To my Christian Brothers and Sisters who are present, Jesus was not an accident. Jesus was a man grateful to his Father. He was a man who was so in tune with Allah (God), he stayed so in the light of his Father that he became the light of the world. This Jesus figure was evolved by God into Himself, which is where all of us should be as human beings. We are to evolve into our Creator, to be one with Him, and to reflect His attributes and characteristics.

Evolve Into God

So, Allah (God) will manifest in us and through us, for the human being is the glory of Allah (God) and is Allah's (God's) vicegerent to take God's place on Earth. This is our domain, to rule and govern, but we cannot govern it properly unless we evolve into Him. We must never turn away from Him, because to turn away from Him is like the planet turning away from the light of the sun, then we are in the darkness and whenever we are in darkness, we suffer what darkness brings.

Darkness brings the cessation of labor. As the Qur'an says, the night is for man to rest or sleep and the day He made for man to rise up again. There is a spiritual day when we make progress, and there is a spiritual night where we go to sleep.

Look at us. We are not in the day, we are a people who are walking in darkness, gross darkness. Darkness covers Black people, not only here in America, but in Africa and throughout the world.

Have we turned away from Allah (God)? Yes, because if we were in the Light of God, we would manifest God's light as we would be evolving into Him. Jesus said, "I and my father are one." Do you know what that means? I in the father, the father in me, I in you and you in me: what is he saying?

He is saying that God's Greatest Grace is to give man guidance and wisdom to grow man into Himself, man is no longer man, but becomes a manifestation of God.

Thus, God is in man and man is in God, and I and God become one. How do you become one with God? Submit our will entirely to do God's Will, then God starts working in you, through you, so that as you walk, God is walking. If you talk God's Will, then God is talking. When you act on God's Will, God is acting. It is no longer God and a prophet, but it is God and we as extensions or manifestations of God.

When we turn away from God, we don't evolve, we degenerate from God to man to beast to serpent. This is where we are now, symbolically.

Negro: Satan's Handiwork

Sisters and Brothers, this is not what Allah (God) created. This is the working of the rulers of this world. Allah (God) made us to evolve to perfection that He might be made manifest in and through us. But who is manifested through our actions today? It is not Allah (God). We have become Satan's handiwork. We are carnal-minded, low-life and non-productive people, taking our low desires as a god besides Allah (God).

Beavers do more constructive work than we. Beavers build more for their children than we build for ours. Birds build nests, foxes have holes, but these sons of men (Black people) have no place to lay their heads.

If the Caucasian doesn't provide for Black people, we don't have the mind to provide for ourselves. We are in this world in bad shape, and we are not Allah's (God's) creation. We are the handiwork of our former slavemasters.

When Allah (God) sees His creation degenerate, then Allah's (God's) Grace manifests. He doesn't leave us like we are. The Qur'an puts it like this: "If God were to punish man for his sins, not one soul would be left alive on the earth." This means you and I, reverend, are supposed to be the spiritual guides of the people, but the reverend and I stand in need of Allah's (God's) Mercy and His Forgiveness.

If we stand in this world in need of His mercy, what about the people? There is no one in here, out there, around here, whether they live in Mecca, Rome or any holy city that doesn't need Allah's (God's) Forgiveness or His Mercy. We need it and we really don't deserve it, yet out of that love, that beauty in His nature, He says, "I am not going to leave you like you are, but I am going to raise one up from your midst, just like I do the clouds. I raise clouds up from the earth by the power of the sun and the moon, having an attracting power on the water of the earth and it draws the water up in a fine mist that the naked eye cannot detect."

As that mist forms with other mist, it forms what is called clouds. Then the cloud gets heavy with water, then Allah (God) blows the cloud with winds over a dry, dead earth. And when the cloud distills and water falls to the earth, the seeds germinate, swell, and burst sending a root down and a shoot up and then the dry, dead earth comes to life. This is Allah's (God's) mercy. He does the same with human beings.

In the Qur'an, it reads like this, "O men, call to mind the favor of Allah to you. Is there any creator besides Allah, who provides for you from the heavens and the earth? There is no God but He. How are you then turned away?"

Allah (God) asks a question, because after He sends warning, the people are turned away from that warning, but out of His grace, He raises someone to turn us back toward Him. And if we reject that one, He gives us time and then He shows us in His signs that He is with the one that He has chosen.

When you become so dark in the heart, due to envy, that envy produces hatred and hatred produces murder and the Grace of Allah (God) is sought out to be murdered, then Allah (God) removes His Grace and brings down His wrath on the people.

I respectfully say to you that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to us, "Let Israel serve as a lesson for the Black people in America." Why?

Look at the Jews. They say that they are the chosen of Allah (God). If you look in the Qur'an, in Surah two, and throughout the Qur'an, Allah (God) brought them favor after favor and grace after grace. After He guided them, they turned back. Then He turned mercifully to them and guided them and raised them up; and then they turned back again. Then, He turned mercifully to them and raised them up and, finally, He turned them to that which they turned themselves and His Wrath came down upon the people.

Brothers and Sisters, Allah (God) saw our condition. The condition of Black people in America is not a good condition. No one in this audience can argue with us that White people didn't bring us here to make us citizens. No one in this audience can argue and say that White people have treated us fairly. At this very moment, there is no justice in them for us as a people.

Would Allah (God) see us, the original people of the earth, in this shameful condition and not be merciful to us? And little it is that we give thanks.